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Everything posted by Jazz

  1. Jazz

    Euro with velvet

    I can’t compete with that.
  2. Jazz

    Euro with velvet

    Cool. Who did you go to?
  3. Jazz

    A few coues In 22s

    They’re looking pretty decent this year
  4. Jazz

    A few coues In 22s

    I’m pretty sure at least 1 and 5 are the same guy..
  5. Jazz

    Bears by New River?

    So I’m doing a few Miles tonight walking.. suns down and I’m walking the trail to fig springs. New river Mesa is about 2 miles n x ne at this point, and I come across what I swear is a huge pile of bear scat. Do they come this far south??
  6. Jazz

    Bears by New River?

    Maybe I’m not a good Judge of .. kitties. I don’t have a pic of the scat- if there’s anything left from that Monster Grizzly Dump after the rain tonight I’ll snap a photo on my walk.
  7. Jazz

    Need help, Clever pest control company names.

    Downrange pest control
  8. Something to wash the camo In while you’re at camp. (Rv) Giantex Portable Mini Compact Twin Tub Washing Machine 17.6lbs Washer Spain Spinner Portable Washing Machine, Blue+ White https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01ALBMIEI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_dIZpDbF1HNFY9 Used once. Don’t need it. $75.
  9. Jazz

    My Wife

    It’ll work out. Prayers for both of ya!
  10. Jazz

    Remington 7400 30-06

    Sold pending funds
  11. Jazz

    Remington 7400 30-06

    You May know it by several other names. Deerslayer, Elk Assasin, javelina destroyer. My son got picked for two youth hunts this year and wants to see what the 6.5 Creedmoor is all about. We’re Selling this rifle to fund that build. The front sight is missing, and we were never really concerned because we always used a scope. I think it’s somewhere in 18B 🤷‍♂️ This is an old rifle - functions well but It is kind of picky of what it eats. Federal fusion works well. In overall good condition. Wood has some nicks, bluing is rubbed in a few spots. Comes with the standard magazine. $350
  12. Jazz

    Polaris Ranger XP 700 - low hours/ miles

    Solid year for the 700.
  13. Jazz

    Whatcha Lissnin to?

  14. Best setup you can get imo. I still need a vestibule for mine.
  15. Jazz

    Unit 22 Muley

    No deer on Ord .. lotsa lightning though
  16. Jazz

    1997 ford 7.3 powerstroke crew 4x4

    I know.. just did the heads for 4K..
  17. Jazz

    Youth Hunt - 12 AW

    And.. middle son got the hunt! Also a late youth Javelina in 18B. I’ve never seen him so excited. He really wants a bolt action. Time to sell the Remington 7400..
  18. Jazz

    Youth Hunt - 12 AW

    Only seeing 1 hunt this year for doe- not the Nov one. Am I reading this right? Just Oct?
  19. Jazz

    Where's The CC Hit Time Thread

    Me and oldest son unit 21 mulies. Middle son youth jav
  20. Jazz


    Hit for 90. Is that two adult deer tags or youth deer/jav combo?
  21. So I think I’ll stick to the .500 https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/9375816/man-bear-attack-found-alive-month-den/
  22. Jazz

    Where's The CC Hit Time Thread

    I called. I screwed up. Use the dashes- kill the space at the end. No spaces.. worked.
  23. Jazz

    Where's The CC Hit Time Thread

    Looking to update it to a different card. It says "Full order Number" in the field- and I do that, and then it says "Only letters and numbers". I remove the dashes- nada. Edit: Ok. It was a space at the end. Worse, they have no record..