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Everything posted by Jazz

  1. Staring at my phone for a text..
  2. Jazz

    Credit Card Hit

    Yup. ill take 1 in 4 over here. Good luck all!
  3. I Hope all is well. Sending them up.
  4. Jazz


    This is the first hunt I’ve used a spotter scope on. I got a phoneskope- and I’m glad I was able to make them work well. I found some javelina on an adjacent hill that I never could have seen with binos. also able to get a few shots of a bull elk on Goodwin Mesa on 18b. That was a pleasant surprise. Elk was about 500 away. The j13 managed to rattle it a little.
  5. Jazz

    Plot Watcher

    Seems I can't find these online?? Do they still make them?
  6. Jazz

    Draw odds

    I just got Toprut. My choices with a whopping 2 bonus points seem a little farther out. Just going to focus on late cow hunts.
  7. I had two days to kill to try and get on the board for 2019. The mule deer hunt didn’t pan out (so many does- not a single buck to be seen) and with the wife and middle son already successful, I bundled up and did some solo treestand time near Payson. I had no idea it was going to be so windy.. Day 2, at 4:20 pm this guy walked in with his girlfriend. Shot was a tad high, he ended up going about 120 yards. Luckily not so much downhill from the shot. I backed out and waited at the top for two hours- tracked him in about an hour (thank God I found him before the storm really kicked in) I still had to carry him up to the truck- and uphill - and at 8pm the sky just opened up and started with hail. I realized I’m not 30 anymore.. Didn’t have time for pics in the field- got a group photo at the house.
  8. Jazz

    Pop up retrieval north of Flagstaff

    I feel ya. This was my truck on Xmas
  9. Jazz

    Rifle Rack for Polaris Ranger

    If he doesn’t I will 😀
  10. Jazz

    Spotting scope?

    Getting into spotting scopes myself. Thinking about a diamondback 20 60 80 and a decent tripod. Too many times I’m looking at something and can’t tell. the 15’s just don’t always get that granular.
  11. Anyone know how well these work? I know there’s warmer, but I didn’t want to go to anything like incenerator..
  12. Jazz

    Xmas Tree Cutting In Tonto?

    Going tomorrow- snow in the area?
  13. Great stuff. About 30 years ago I was north of the McDowell mountains , far and removed from anything. Way before Troon. i was walking a trail and dipped over a knoll. Turned into a small depression /valley. After a little while I came across a round, burned circle in the dirt. Perfect circle. Maybe 2 or 2 and a half yards in diameter. I do some looking and I find two more, exactly like the first. I realize they’re in a perfect triangle, about 20 yards apart from each other. No road or real trail nearby. Went back 3 or 4 years later, realized I was in the area and revisited. They were there. Nothing had grown within these circles and they looked pretty much like I had last seen them. Havent been back since. No idea what I came across.
  14. Jazz

    18b javelina

    He’s on a roll this year. Ethan nailed his first javelina 3 hours into his hunt. Huge surprise, the albino javelina was with the herd and didn’t see him until they all took off after the shot. Something to look for in Feb when we go back. Always loved the unit, and never seen as much elk sign as I have this trip. All over the place!!
  15. Jazz

    Reverse osmosis filter

    2.5" X 10" Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) filter.
  16. Jazz

    Reverse osmosis filter

    So I have what I think is a 5 stage RO under the sink system. But there’s a huge filter next to it. Much bigger than the others.I’ve replaced all but this one..Looks like this: not sure which one it is. And are there any local stores that carry it?
  17. Jazz

    Reverse osmosis filter

    They knew exactly what it was.ordered one and it’s on the way. Thanks all!
  18. Jazz

    Reverse osmosis filter

    I’ll do it. Thanks Hoss!
  19. Jazz

    Reverse osmosis filter

    “This side up” is all it yields. Pretty generic!
  20. Jazz

    Reverse osmosis filter

    This is what it looks like inside..
  21. Jazz

    Xmas Tree Cutting In Tonto?

    I seem to remember one year we went on the 237 north of Payson and had some good luck.if the map is the same we’ll try there this year. Of course, if there is good snow they’ll move off the mountain for lower grounds..
  22. Bump for a solid truck. 7.3 with that mileage is awesome.
  23. Jazz

    Solo kaibab Bison Hunt with help

    Omg what a great story! I know this is late but dude- congrats!!
  24. It was awesome. Thanks for that.