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About trkyslr

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  1. trkyslr

    2018 Tagged out in Cali on Rios

    Thanks guys appreciate it a lot!!! Wish2hunt that’s ireland lol.. nor Cal I believe turns green before anywhere else’s in the country in the spring time. It’s super green from March through May. Crazy but I’ll take it.
  2. trkyslr

    2018 Tagged out in Cali on Rios

    Thanks guys!
  3. trkyslr

    2018 Tagged out in Cali on Rios

    Heres pics of my three 2018 spring Northern California toms. All three were bow kills, no blind used, and called into the decoys. I was fortunate enough with my good buddy joe to also be apart of 19 total kills this spring that includes family, friends and most important three juniors. Lucky to have my daughter on the junior hunts and recovery of my third bird. I love turkey hunting and it never gets old! IG: @chrisstone185
  4. trkyslr

    My first Oceola Turkey

  5. trkyslr

    My first two Coues bucks...

    They look great Ed!
  6. trkyslr

    Day One Results

    1 more week!I sure hope not. I dont think there have been any new hits today. Hopefully they start posting those babies up.Seems like always on the Tuesday a week and half later after charges is when they have results posted. Noone in the family drew so I hope it's a month til results kidding have a few friends that drew that I'll be helping so want to see where we will be. Man theyre lucky dudes!
  7. trkyslr

    On top of the world at 5700 feet!

    Amazing coues buck!! Congrats!! Thanks for the great write up as well!
  8. trkyslr

    Dad's Lion

    Well done!!!!
  9. trkyslr

    What is this ? Creepy

    Shadows.. its in all pics imo
  10. trkyslr


    Nice coues Ed! Well done!
  11. trkyslr

    Daughter's First Elk

    Awesome post! Well done and co grays to all!
  12. trkyslr

    Brother in laws first bull (video link added)

    Awesome bull!!!! Someday someday someday
  13. Did my first podcast with Jay and had some fun trying to share some turkey knowledge. I'm not for public speaking as I prefer doin it or writing about it but think it turned out ok. If one person listens to the podcast and gains something that helps them become more successful in the turkey woods I'm a happy camper. Good lucky everyone this spring! Link below and its episode 261. http://jayscottoutdoorspodcast.com Episode #261
  14. trkyslr

    4B Roll Call

    Flatlander, think so or know so?
  15. trkyslr

