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Everything posted by BBD21

  1. Go big or go home! can’t wait to look through it. Not looking forward to carrying it 😅
  2. I already have a 65mm. Thanks for the interest I appreciate it.
  3. BBD21

    MEOPTA vs SWARO???

    Buy once cry once. Swaros and it’s not even close. For my eyes at least
  4. In forest green. Flawless condition. Size small would fit most 8-10x42 and smaller binos. $80 cash only. Nw valley. Pm if interested
  5. BBD21

    FS: Vortex Ranger 1800

    OBO comes with marsupial ranger green pouch
  6. Phantom/olive. Perfect/flawless condition. Just wanting to go a little bit smaller. $175 no shipping cash only face to face only. Peoria az pm for more details
  7. BBD21

    Glocks for sale

    Great guy! Buy with confidence
  8. BBD21

    Swarovski 15x56 SLC

    Selling older model of the Swarovski 15x56 SLC. Perfect condition. Comes with outdoorsmans bino stud. Asking $1400. Pm if interested
  9. BBD21

    Kuiu Attack Pant size 32

    In flawless/brand new condition. Never worn in the field. Loden green. $120. Nw west valley pm if interested
  10. BBD21

    Swarovski 15x56 SLC

    Price drop $1200