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Everything posted by QhunterAZ

  1. QhunterAZ


    For 3d I look for targets with replaceable vitals. I have the glendel buck and the javalina. I skipped the turkey because it has no replaceable core. We started printing life size rabbit dove and quail pictures then glued them to cardboard trimed to pic. Grabbed wooden clothes pins and stuck them in the ground to hold them in place. We use judo or the big rubber blunts to keep from losing the arrows.Makes it cheep and fun kids live seeing the targets fly off after a good hit.
  2. QhunterAZ

    Any Longbow Hunters out there?

    Don't need a trophy book, any kill is a trophy to me. And the journy is more than worth it. I do enjoy all mm kimds of bows from wheels to straight stick. something about the simplicty of the tool seems to just be more relaxing to me. plus its way eaiser to carry 19 ounces of bow on a long walk.
  3. QhunterAZ

    Any Longbow Hunters out there?

    And take your time shooting several arrows to be sure its not your form. I keep one arrow for my coach. I leave on a wrap and the feather spine but trim off the barbs. I can see how my form is any time then.
  4. QhunterAZ

    need a good pro shop

    That's my home away from home.
  5. QhunterAZ

    Any Longbow Hunters out there?

    picked up a samick sage that I plan to set up for some carp shooting this year. could set up my regular long bow bow but I do not want to risk dropping it the lake, even though wood floats.
  6. QhunterAZ

    Any Longbow Hunters out there?

    Shot recurves fr8m the age of 8 to 20 then went to a wheel bow for about 15 years. once I went back to the trads I just can't seem to stop. Got several rabbits and quail with the bow this season and I spent january with my bama bow chasing deer and javilina. I can't wait for the next hunt.
  7. QhunterAZ

    Any Longbow Hunters out there?

    I feel ya in the work, but we got to pay for our toys some how after all. I researched alot when I was getting back into trad archery and thats when I found bama bows. Nathan steel is the guys name. I went with a hunter as well 65lb at 29 inches. It blew away my martin longbow my hoyt buffalo, and my howat super diablo. He is makeing me a tribute royal take down right now. 75lb at 28 inches. Been about 4 weeks so I am getting excited. I was shooting golt tip traditonals 400 spine full lenght with 170 grain grizly single bevel broadheads. But im working on some gold tip 300 spines with 100gr inserts and 300 gr points/ broadheads for a huge foc. Try to keep your arrow weight atleast 9 grains per pound I tend to run about 11 gpp , yself. Makes the bow whisper quiet and hits hard. And gets rid of hand shock. When you start practicing stay close 5-10 yards. And a 4-6 inch group is great. Slight cant to the bow and the string in the first joint in the fingers not along the tips. If your like me youll not want to stop when you get tired. Be sure to rest or ypu will realy hurt yourself I had to stop for almost a month after I over taxed my bow arm. It was just to much fun. If you have some arrows that you think may work you can always shoot a bare shaft up close to just get use to it. There are a lot of howard hill fans and ed ashby folowers out there that feel that style is the best way. Just have fun learn the basics and a consistent way to shoot that fits you, gap shooting or instinct open stance or olympic. My compounds uave been gathering dust for a few years now.
  8. QhunterAZ

    Any Longbow Hunters out there?

    Hello Vowell, great choice on a bow. I hunt / shoot a longbow and a few other traditional bows. A bama bow being one of them with a 2nd being made as we speak. what kind do you end up getting? draw length and draw weight? a few hints. be sure to use feathers not plastic fletching. your draw length with be a little shorter than with a compound usually. your arrows will need to be a bit less of a spine due to the need for a flex around the riser/shelf. if I can help at all let me know, I live on the west side of phoenix and shoot pretty regularly at the local park.