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Everything posted by QhunterAZ

  1. QhunterAZ

    What bow to get?

    You said a bow right?
  2. QhunterAZ

    traditional hunting

    That's the kind of bow alot of people strive to get their hands on.
  3. QhunterAZ

    traditional hunting

    Depends on what I need. Arrows and feathers I usually hit Ross and corner archery. Bows though there a few makers who charge less than cabelas for custom built. Alot of stuff though I get from 3rivers and a few other websites. Once you get the basics itbtakes very little to keep shooting. If I can help at all let me know.
  4. QhunterAZ

    traditional hunting

    Carefully, I went back to trad five years ago just for fun. Three years ago I put away or sold the compounds for Good and only shoot and hunt archery trad gear. Now I have a dozen trad bows. And shoot every day. The simplicity of the basics put the fun mack back in the shooting for me.
  5. QhunterAZ

    Let your Draw anxiety GO and enjoy your weekend....

    Every day is more money in interest. $30,000,000+ is a huge chunk of change daily. So why would you ever try to get it done quickly?
  6. My dad gave me a bicycle inner tube. 10speed bike size. We started with one cut in half along the perimeter. Then moved to a complete one. After that it was to 20" tube and now I shoot an 80lb longbow. Seemed it worked.
  7. QhunterAZ

    Card go hit!

    You can feel that same feeling every day. Just donate to the AZGFD wildlife fund every morning before work. Each day will be like this then.
  8. QhunterAZ

    Benjamin Pioneer airbow

    It will be a great tool for those that are unable to use a bow due to physical dificultys. For the rest of us though no thanks. Not for archery, perhaps a ham or a rifle hunt.
  9. QhunterAZ


    Personal property is not to be left on public lands, it is the same as litter. Strange that people feel threatening/intimidating and assault are a fine answer to camera thieft or vandalism. You do not need a law specifically for cameras, any property left on public land has rules. My problem here is the chugheads who think they get to used veiled threats of assault, also known as a crime for something left in the woods. You go tell a cop that and see what they say. Like I said grow up. You can be ticked, you just better realize that you can do anything about it. You set up traps like those shockers or rat traps. You committed a crime. Some hiker or kid steps on a rattrap then what. Some federal forest officer goes to cut the camera off a tree and gets a zap, felony assault of a federal officer. Yea great plan. Seems some of you are worse than the thief. Think before you talk and think more before you act. You know like a mature grownup. Not some knob.
  10. QhunterAZ


    Go talk to a forest service field officer.
  11. QhunterAZ


    Carp I don't need to cuss and act like a fool to be grown up. I see enough high school crybabies to see adults acting the same when they do. I just have the guts to say it. What you think is litter is irrelevant wish. Go ask the Forrest service field officer. reread your earlier post there coues. Trying to insult my integrity. And desertbul seems enough money that people are willing to threaten people and possibly commit acts that end them up in jail. I know its mostly tough talk, still BS.
  12. QhunterAZ


    Wasn't at you, but if you want to retort go for it. The removal of blinds and stands each day depends on the local. Don't leave stuff in the public lands. To some people your big $$ camera is litter. Don't go threatening people because they messed with stuff you left out there. Call the local law, give your report and evidence. Just don't whine when you get that ticket for abandoned item in the forest. Act like you're a dang grownup and not some highschool kid.
  13. QhunterAZ


    You want to leave high dollar items in on public land, then act supprised it gets stolen or destryoed. Then you want to play keyboard commando and run your fingers on how yourll meet some fool and mess them up.... thats the problem. read the laws, you do not get to leave property on PUBLIC lands. $250 dollar fine, treated as a littering crime. Elkwalker your exactly the kind of chucklehead that is the problem, right to some keyboard warrior threats and violence. See I believe you don't act like a chug and threaten violence to sound like billybadboy. Some one starts violence it well they get put in the dirt. you want to press charges for the cameras go for it. but that's not an offence for violence. But you run those gumby flappers you call lips and try for the intimidation and threats run well that's where you get shut down. you tell the deputy you got into it over a camera or a blind, or some piece of public land you think is yours and see where that gets you sparky.
  14. QhunterAZ


    ahh the truth and facts must really hurt your poor feelings Flatlander.
  15. QhunterAZ


    couesassain , typical of the assumptions people like you have. read the law chucklehead, perhaps you will learn something about public land and abandoned property. skip the insults and try to use that brain of yours. so your saying if some one finds a wallet on the ground to leave it on the ground? after all the person may just be walking around the parking lot right? there coming back for it right? you know you just convinced me, from now on if I find a trail cam or a blind I will take it and do what I do with a wallet. turn it into the local law enforcement personnel. great idea Coues thank you. pack it in pack it out, leave with more than you started and all that. only you can prevent forest fires. bigbuckkiller perhaps you should go read the regulations, rather than name calling, just giving you the facts. you leave your camp abandoned for a few days it is abandoned. NOT allowed to do that. The forest service can and will remove it. just like a car will get a ticket and towed. reading, its your friend.
  16. QhunterAZ


    Seems like some people think if I go out into the desert or the mountains and stappled $100 dollar bills to trees, and come back days, week, months later should I be shocked when they were gone when i came back? i should stomp my feet and threaten that i am going to "Meet" the person i think is doing it. Especially after years and years of the $100 bills missing..... You leave your stuff out in public land do not be surprised it disappears. there is no law on the books protecting the property. it is the same as leaving trash in the woods. the constant boohooing and veiled threats will only do one thing. Get cameras banned, get blinds and tree stands limited to only when in use and must be removed at the end of the day. The definition of insanity, doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result.
  17. QhunterAZ


    Good luck, if those cameras were left on public land they are considered abandoned. Aka litter.
  18. QhunterAZ

    Javelina OTC

    It's all about the app fee. Javi are an invasive species that makes the game and fish lots of cash.
  19. QhunterAZ

    Passed on big buck. Right move?

    You made the right choice, a small weed will throw off your shot. Arrows just can't cut brush. Good call on your part. Well done.
  20. QhunterAZ

    Mathews Heli M

    It was a great bow. It was light but once you add sights ,rest, quiver the heft is back up. A focus grip is a must for any Mathews. Mine was a joy to shoot and hunt with. A pound lighter than my monster.
  21. QhunterAZ

    Shoot to 100yrd?

    A properly tuned and matched bow and arrows and a sight setup that can elevate high enough and lots of practice, practice more practice. even a 40lb bow will send an arrow over 100 yards. if used for practice getting good at 100 will make closer shots so much easier. you will learn to perfect your release, your aim, your control. When I shot my compound 100-120 yard shots were alot of my practice. then part of the rest was odd shooting positions, kneeling, sitting, laying back, hunched and shooting under brush. and the rest was closer shots to work on long holding patience shots like I was waiting for the critter to clear the branches. practice a lot and practice all kinds or positions, near and far.
  22. She is shooting a compound right? As long as the arrows are tuned any of the 300-450gr arrows are fine. A 2blade head will give better penetration. Avoid lighter arrows. Look at Simmons treesharks, muzzy, cutthroat, vpa. If my recurve can slice through big game I am sure her poundage can as well with a good weight arrow. My recurve shoots a 675gr arrow at only 180ish fps. Pretty sure hers is atleat that zippy. She should have no problem once she hits that 30lb mark.
  23. QhunterAZ

    Javelina with a Recurve

    great work. There's nothing like trad gear and instinctive shooting. Awesome work.
  24. QhunterAZ

    This is the BS that needs to stop!

    It is possible a hiker found the arrowed deer drug it off and stole the head and antlers. All before the hunter could find the animal. It is an investigation for a reason. Just assuming it was a meat waste is not the right way.
  25. QhunterAZ

    Leveling a scope?

    i drop a level on the uncapped turret, one level tube on the scope rail. then one lengthwise on the barrel. if your rifle is pointing up or down and not level it will throw off the other bubbles. or a small flat peice of metal. place one side on the rail and tilt it up against the turret housing if its even its good.