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Everything posted by azelkhunter69

  1. azelkhunter69

    Elk Draw

    Other than the limited opportunity hunts, statistically speaking, you should never draw a bull tag with anything other than your 1st two choices. But, according to some people on here, there have been a few times where something strange has happened(they won't say what) and they drew a good tag with their 3rd or 4th choice.
  2. azelkhunter69

    When will the hits start? no thread on this yet?

    BOOM, an elk tag AND the antelope tag I have been waiting 17 years for.
  3. azelkhunter69

    When will the hits start? no thread on this yet?

    How long before we see the post that says, "I just got off the phone with the lady at Game and Fish and she said........" or "My fiend(friend's friend, cousin, neighbor, etc) works at Game and Fish and said......" ?
  4. azelkhunter69

    When will the hits start? no thread on this yet?

    They're late.
  5. azelkhunter69

    When will the hits start? no thread on this yet?

    7:08am for me last year. Getting close.
  6. azelkhunter69

    When you’re upset you don’t draw

    Yes, you can turn the tag in once. Next time you have to keep it. AND, pay for 2 tags both times...if you put in with someone else. I figure paying for 2 tags is still cheaper than going out of state.
  7. azelkhunter69

    When you’re upset you don’t draw

    There is always a way to work the system. This is no worse than the guys a few years back that were "selling" their points...basically had a ton of points and would put in with someone that had less for a price. That was actually worse in my opinion. Some people really abuse the system, but that is always going to happen. I've seen videos of kids of outfitters where the kid just wanted to shoot any deer and go home because he was cold but the dad/outfitter wouldn't let him because he wanted to make a video of his kid shooting a monster so they could advertise and brag. And it was like the kid's 3rd Kaibab late tag because the dad had been putting in his wife and all the grandparents for BP's for years just for this purpose. Now, that I didn't agree with. Pointguard definitely was a good idea for people that draw but then life happens. But, it definitely can be used for reasons that were unintended. Me, I absolutely love to hunt, and in a state where it is increasingly hard to draw, I am going to use every legal means necessary to draw a tag. I study reports, don't put in for the "premium" hunts, etc. I have drawn probably 5 archery bull tags and last year was the 1st year I drew with as many as 6 bps. Before that, the most I had was 4. I have been pretty lucky in the draw also. Recently, my daughter decided she has no interest in hunting. Well, I have been putting her in for BP's for elk since she was 10, assuming that when she got big enough she would want to go. Now she is sitting on 7 points and doesn't want to hunt. So, like it or not, I am putting in with her this year so I avg. out to 5 bps. and bought her Pointguard so I can do it again if we get drawn. Am I an evil person for using the current system we have to work with? I don't think so, but I am sure many others will.
  8. azelkhunter69

    When you’re upset you don’t draw

    Maybe he doesn't want to pay for the tag. If I read it correctly, even if you turn in the tag and get your points back, you still have to pay for the tag. Is that right?
  9. azelkhunter69

    CC Hit

    Everyone is anxiously awaiting Friday. My card got hit at 7:08am last year. Fingers crossed to get lucky again this year. With all this moisture, the antler growth should be phenomenal this year.
  10. azelkhunter69

    Elk draw website down

    Page 8 of the regs., under Qualifications. An applicant must possess a license (including lifetime, pioneer or disabled veteran’s) that is valid on the last day of the application deadline for that draw. Youth applying for big game hunts must be licensed. If an applicant does not have a license that meets that requirement, he or she must purchase the license at the time of application. Wonder how that works this year....you know, since we had two "last" days. SMH. What a cluster.
  11. azelkhunter69

    Elk draw website down

    What date did you have the new license start?
  12. azelkhunter69

    Elk draw website down

    ^^ This is correct. I'm curious to see if Coues Assassin's app goes through. Depends on the start date of the license I guess. If it is dated later than Feb. 12th, then technically it is not valid on the draw deadline date and the app. should be rejected. I guess it still could go through since they have the license that is good through the 13th on record. I would be interested to see how this works out.
  13. azelkhunter69

    Antlerless cow tag in 6b Arizona

    Tough hunt, probably the hardest I have ever been on. Put my wife in for that hunt twice when she was first starting out, because it was easy to draw. There is a reason why it's easy to draw. Once it freezes, the elk disappear. The only elk we saw on that hunt were in LO Pocket. After those two miserable experiences, I told her I was putting her in for a hunt where it would take longer to get drawn. But if she got drawn, I knew she could kill an elk. I hated to admit defeat, but felt like I was wasting my time. Good luck.
  14. azelkhunter69

    First Elk!

    And so the addiction begins. Congrats.
  15. Scouted for a month ahead of the season. Hunted for 13 days and finally everything came together. Tough hunt. Was hunting unit 8 and it was hot and dry. It was 85 the first 5 days and not much cooler after that. 81 yesterday. My son was supposed to be my helper but melted in the heat. I took him home after 5 days and was alone the rest of the way. Some of you will remember my dad passed away in May. This was the first time I went on a hunt without him. Emotional roller coaster for sure. Had many close calls and got a tip from a guy I met on a little hidden water spot. Sat there a couple days with no results other than antelope, mule deer, coyotes etc.. I did get several bulls on camera at night and it kept me coming back. I chased bugles around in between. After 12 days I was about wore out and decided for good or for bad, I was going to sit that spot until the end. Day 13 found me in the blind before daylight with bulls bugling all around. As luck would have it, part of the herd decided to come down the ravine to the water. The big bull pushed his way through the cows and into the water. 40 yards. He turned to broadside, I calmed myself, settled my pin and let it go. Hit him just a little high which brought on some nervous moments because he bled in his chest instead of leaving a blood trail. But I knew I hit him well and was confident he was dead. Made a circle and found him about halfway back. Not going to lie, I shed some tears. It was a long, physically and emotionally draining hunt for me. Then, I had no help. Did everything on my own. Told my wife, I can say I did it alone now, but I never want to do it again. A common theme with the bulls where I was hunting, was weak backs. Everyone thought it was from the drought. Not sure, but if this bull had backs to go with the ridiculous fronts, I can only imagine what he would have scored. All in all, I had a great hunt and met some good people. Was considering doing euro mount. Anyone have any suggestions of someone in Phoenix that is good, and reasonable? Almost done. Should have my hands on him soon. Can't wait to put a tape on him. Daniel Gradillas of Spot-N-Stalk Skullz holding him.
  16. Hi guys, shot a nice bull Wednesday and I would like to get a euro mount done. I didn't skin the head or anything. Can you guys recommend someone in Phoenix or nearby that does a good job and is reasonable? Thanks. I have to thank Daniel Gradillas of Spot-N-Stalk Skullz for doing an awesome job.
  17. azelkhunter69

    Euro Mount Recommendations? EDIT with finished product.

    Had a stinky head so Rossislider's kid couldn't help me. Couldn't be happier with Daniel Gradillas of Spot-N-Stalk Skullz. He has sent me photos and kept me updated all the way. Some of his photos are definitely frame worthy. Just adds to the experience.
  18. azelkhunter69

    Day 13 Bull...EDIT with pic of Euro almost done

    Sorry, have to add another photo. Just awesome. Daniel Gradillas of Spot-N-Stalk Skullz is doing an amazing job for me. He just keeps sending me great photos.
  19. azelkhunter69

    Day 13 Bull...EDIT with pic of Euro almost done

    Almost done. Daniel Gradillas of Spot-N-Stalk Skullz holding him.
  20. azelkhunter69

    400+ on 23 archery?

    Nice bull and congrats to the kid but I don't think that bull goes 400. Mostly photo angles. Look at the size of the kid's hand compared to the tines and look how the guide(I assume) is sitting as far back as possible with his arm extended as far as he can. Not knocking it, nice bull. Just don't think it is the one you were talking about.
  21. azelkhunter69

    Day 13 Bull...EDIT with pic of Euro almost done

    Talked to his dad. He is too busy and my bull is stinky. He told his neighbors no stinky ones. LOL. Maybe next time.
  22. azelkhunter69

    Who won?

    From what I saw in Unit 8, horn growth on the back end was horrible. Saw lots of nice bulls and almost every one had nothing on the back end. Other guys in the area said the same. Bulls were screaming, but only until about 8am at the latest. 8 was HOT. 1st 5 days were 85 degrees and still 81 on day 13. I saw a couple bulls killed but most went home empty handed from what I saw/heard. Unless my bull had horrible genetics, I believe he potentially lost 30 - 50 inches on the back end. His fronts were insane but he had 3 inch 5ths, and short main beams. Add a normal 5th for his size and even just 5 inches onto the beam and you add 30 - 40 inches. Just my opinion.
  23. azelkhunter69

    2018 Bugling Bulls

    Back from 8 long enough to drop my kid off. Bugled all night Thursday, Friday, less Saturday, Only a couple after that. Bugled good in the morning Friday, got within 70 - 80 yards of 2 5x5's and a 6x6. Saturday, close again. Sunday I finally saw a good 6x6 but got busted by a cow. That was right at daylight, after that....silence. Monday it was dead and I heard 1 bull bugle this morning. I was closing in on him and had his cows walk by at 23 yards, then a freaking woodcutter comes driving up through the forest. Talk about pissed off. Anyway, it has been hot up there, 85. Add that into all the weekend hunters and this is what happens. Bulls go silent for a couple days until things settle down. Probably well over half the guys are gone already. Cooler weather tomorrow with chance of rain. It will pick up. Headed to the store and then back up. Good luck.
  24. azelkhunter69

    2018 elk rut

    Gonna continue hot and dry if we can believe the 10 day forecast. It has been drying up quick the last 2 weeks. It went from super dry, to wet, and now back to dry. Had an ok 6x6 bugling behind my camp Sunday morning. Went up to check him out. He had bugled all night and was still at it at 7am when I left him. Unfortunately(or fortunately depending on your opinion) these hot, dry years happen. I'm sure a lot of guys will be fighting over water....but that happens every year. Get 'em early in the morning before they go lay down. I am headed up early Thursday morning and will be there until I get one, or the season ends, whichever comes first. Good luck guys.
  25. azelkhunter69

    2018 elk rut

    Just got back from 8. Bulls kept me up all night bugling right behind camp. Watched a little 6x5 herd about 20 cows around for about 30 mins. this morning before I left. I think there were a couple herds together during the night and then they split up at dawn. The 6x5 stuck around and the other one took some cows and went elsewhere. Saw some big herds with smallish bulls herding them. Big boys haven't shown up yet. Couple more weeks.