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Everything posted by azelkhunter69

  1. azelkhunter69

    To Soon?

    Not this year. Got hit for 3 elk tags and an antelope tag. Only had 5 pts for antelope. Definitely wasn't expecting that.
  2. azelkhunter69

    Just got a CC hit!!!

    Ditto. 3 elk tags and an antelope tag with only 5 points. Correction...I mixed up my years. I only had 4 pts. I almost feel guilty about that knowing all the people that have 25 - 27.
  3. azelkhunter69

    To Soon?

    6 days until Christmas morning. LOL
  4. azelkhunter69

    To Soon?

    Still like Christmas, otherwise you wouldn't have 5 pages on this thread. My wife laughs at all of us "children" every draw.
  5. azelkhunter69

    Good luck!

    Well, with all the people on FB (that wait until the last minute) pissing and moaning about getting error messages, I am sure it will get delayed at least a little bit. Morons don't get it and wait until the last two days to apply. And then want to act like it hasn't happened in the 10 - 20 draws before that. SMH
  6. azelkhunter69

    Enough moisture?

    IF we get all the rain/snow they say we might....any of you antler growth experts think it will make a difference this year? Is it enough? Too late? I know some people think how the animals go into the winter plays a big part. The Summer, Fall and early winter were extremely dry. Curious on your thoughts.
  7. azelkhunter69

    Enough moisture?

    A little update on this. I originally posted because the whole subject interests me, but also because I have a friend in NY that has been building points and is ready to make the trip when I give him the thumbs up. Arizona is always great relative to other states but, given the choice, I would rather he come out in an average to above average year. This monsoon season has been awesome. I think the feed should be great and the burns should green up for next year. I think the elk will go into the winter fat and healthy. If we get decent moisture in the winter, I think next season is shaping up to be great. I will probably have him apply and come out next year. Thanks for all the updates and comments.
  8. azelkhunter69

    Shotgun shells (dove season)

    Wow, I had no idea they had gone up that much. I stocked up with cases of 250 shells when Cabela's used to have them on sale for a little over $5/box. Glad I did.
  9. azelkhunter69

    Where am I?

    NY would be my bet also. Grew up outside of Rochester. Deer everywhere.
  10. azelkhunter69

    SOLD.......2021 PSE EVO EVL 32 70#

    New in box, tag still attached, never fired. Cool camo pattern, Kuiu Verde. $1099.99 + tax = approx. $1175 at dealer. $950 Message me if interested.
  11. azelkhunter69

    SOLD.......2021 PSE EVO EVL 32 70#

  12. azelkhunter69

    Tick Tock

    My bonus points got updated today.
  13. azelkhunter69

    Tick Tock

    The least I have is 2 points every year....hunter ed and loyalty....just like most people here. I can't speak for everyone, but, I think when points are mentioned by people here it is "total points". I never break mine down when discussing points, it's all points added together. So yes, you have two points.
  14. azelkhunter69

    Tick Tock

    My wife's does not.
  15. azelkhunter69

    Tick Tock

    Last year cards got hit Feb 28....results posted March 5. BUT, I think troutman could be right. I'm not even convinced they are done hitting cards. We'll see. I take it back. Just looked at last year's CC Hit thread....over after 3 pages. This one seems to be over after 3 also. Still hoping though.
  16. azelkhunter69


    Wife got hit. It's a good thing. After all of this, I can't imagine how disappointed I would have been if we didn't get a tag.
  17. azelkhunter69

    Tick Tock

    I think they should have went old school and put names in a barrel. Would have been quicker.
  18. azelkhunter69

    Tick Tock

    If we have learned anything in the last 2 1/2 weeks, it's that their IT dept. is completely incompetent and deadlines mean nothing at this point. They will change them if they have to. Their system is obviously so screwed up that they can't run the draw and/or process cards. Can't get results without either of those two things.
  19. azelkhunter69

    Tick Tock

    At this point, it's just sad. The incompetence of their IT dept. is ridiculous. It's one thing to screw something up, but to take 2 1/2 weeks to fix it is another. Then to top it off, they give a sorry excuse that a whopping 18k extra apps caused all this. SMH
  20. azelkhunter69

    Tick Tock

    I thought 5pm was an odd time. Made me think they would do it last night also. They better do it soon, otherwise the bitching is going to start all over again. 🤣🤣🤣
  21. azelkhunter69

    Enough moisture?

    Wow, I thought this topic was dead. Obviously, since the whole draw/CC deadline issue was settled, we moved on to different things to argue about. To put a cap on this, at least for me, I was just curious what others thought when I originally posted. It is a subject that intrigues me. Also, I was trying to figure out what kind of hunts we would put in for. I am not a guy, nor is my family, one to put in for trophy hunts exclusively. I love to hunt elk, whether it be cows, bulls, rifle, bow, muzzleloader, etc. Of course, I want to kill a big bull as much as the next guy. It was different in years past, where I had many family members applying for elk. I was willing to wait and put in for early archery hunts for myself, but I got to go on hunts almost every single year for the last 20 because someone got drawn for some kind of hunt. Well now, my kids are either in school or the military, my dad has passed and my mom has decided since my dad is gone, she no longer has the desire to hunt. So each year, I pick and choose what kind of hunts I am going to apply for, knowing that I don't have many more archery bull hunts left since I am 52 now and with the way the point creep is going. The way things were shaping up this winter as I saw them, I/we decided we would just put in for "meat" hunts this year. Better odds for those of you putting in for early archery hunts!! I could be wrong and it could be a great year, but I will never regret a day chasing elk...no matter what season. I hope to see some pics of monsters from you guys in September. Good luck guys and gals.
  22. azelkhunter69

    Any portal updates

    My information has not changed, but the last couple times I have logged in, it shows that it has been updated. Friday it said it was updated on 3/5. I will add that mine, and everyone in my family, shows the current licenses, apps, correct points, etc.
  23. azelkhunter69

    Tick Tock

    I remember them delaying the draw, but honestly can't remember them extending the "Update CC deadline". Anyone else remember it happening? I have seen a lot of people say they "need to" or "have to", but I don't see that happening.
  24. azelkhunter69

    Tick Tock

    For several draws, they seemed to have figured it out...They hit CC's the morning after the deadline to update CC's, the time between hitting CC's and posting results got shorter. We got spoiled. Then, the whole portal BS happened. People freaked out, I think Game and Fish freaked out. LOL 2 steps forward, one step back. Guessing we will get hits next week. Back to the "good old days".
  25. azelkhunter69

    Tick Tock

    LMAO....the message is "Quit calling idiots, we will finish when we finish." And....the more you call, the longer we will take.