1/4 miles in each direction thats 1/2 miles across. That's basically a quarter section every time there's a water trough. Where we hunt the January archery hunt, there are water troughs that have been put in several draws to be more convenient for cattle to water. The coues deer don't use them much as there are a lot of little seeps down the bottoms of the draws. If there is a 1/4 section off limits around each one of these, it closes off a lot of land. A few of our favorite stand locations will be off limits just because they're in the wrong quarter section even though the water has nothing to do with why we've picked the spot.
I don't live in Arizona but I live on a 100 plus acre farm in Idaho. It got me thinking, if they made that law here, I wouldn't ever legally be able to put a camera out on my property again. Between where I water my horses and the neighbor waters his cows it would all be off limits.