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border hunter

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About border hunter

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 01/26/1988

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  1. border hunter

    I just wanted to say…..

    Yep, what a brutal weekend! I'll be packing extra frozen bottles to the highest peak in the area. Big coues are killed in the heat every year.
  2. border hunter


    I have a 14x16 canvas tent for longer hunts or family camping. If it's just a weekend hunt I have a 10x10 Kodiak.
  3. border hunter

    Coconino National Forest - Stage 2 Fire Restrictions

    Looks like the rains will be kicking off this weekend. Hopefully they stick around and we can escape without major fires this year🙏
  4. border hunter

    How long until cards are hit??

    I've only checked the CC 5 times this morning..
  5. border hunter

    Credit Card hit thread

    I couldn't draw the 2nd late 27 rifle hunt with 7 points... hope you shoot a monster!
  6. border hunter

    ***** TODAY IS THE LAST DAY******

    Thanks for putting this together!
  7. border hunter

    Anyone do graphic design?

    I may be able to enlist my wife's help. Shoot me a massage of what you're thinking of.
  8. border hunter

    The I’ve been drawn for DEER thread

    3 tags for the 36s. First 1st and 2nd Mule 3,4,5 coues.
  9. border hunter

    How long until cards are hit??

    Last year I missed the 36s with my 3, 4 and 5. I got hit this morning for one of the 36s but my wife and 10 year old haven't. My son also missed the elk draw. Unless something changes tomorrow looks like I'll be signing my tag over.
  10. border hunter

    Hotshot Trucking Company?

    2a transportation out of Gilbert. He has an enclosed trailer and will take care of your equipment. Alan @480 415 7069
  11. border hunter

    2023 youth gun giveaway

    Sounds like better odds then getting drown for a youth elk tag. My 10 year old was excited to get his first tag but got an early taste of disappointment from Game and Fish. Thanks for putting this together!
  12. border hunter

    Horse trailer?

    If you're willing to drive start looking towards Texas or Oklahoma. They seem to be way cheaper more then enough to compensate for the fuel to get there. Good luck on the search!
  13. border hunter


    That sucks, I hate thieves. Ill keep an eye out for it on the border. I have an 06 and whenever I go to south tucson I unplug my fuel relay switch. It won't stop them from breaking but good luck getting it to start!
  14. border hunter

    Lookin for a lefthanded youth rifle.

    Looking for a lefthanded rifle for my 9 year old. Doesn't have to have a youth stock but I'm looking for a 6.5 or a 7mm08. Thought I'd give thw classifieds a shot before going to a box store.
  15. border hunter

    Youth Guns

    I'll take the 20ga if it's still available!