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About RayGonzales

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  • Birthday 01/23/1975

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  • Location
    Phoenix, AZ

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  1. RayGonzales

    Only 1 hour until cards start getting hit

    4 muley tags here...
  2. RayGonzales

    7E Peaks Elk Hunt

    Thanks guys, we moved our hunt to the Kachina Wilderness and have spotted a couple at 8500ft. Unfortunately they didn't give us a good shot. We will keep on it, two days left!
  3. RayGonzales

    7E Peaks Elk Hunt

    It's day two and looking for any pointers on where we might encounter elk. We hunted around and above Bismarck Lake yesterday with no success. Not looking for handouts but any tips would be appreciated.
  4. RayGonzales

    Junior Hunt Unit 10- Help! 2 days left.

    Try Perrin Ranch - Take Espee Rd West from Highway 64. Look it up in Google maps. Hunt the mountains and flats north of Dirty Smith Tank. My hunting partner and I ran into elk almost everyday that we hunted that area last December. Took home two nice cows.
  5. RayGonzales

    Card Hit

    Got hit for 3 tags bull elk!
  6. RayGonzales

    Unit 10 December Cow Hunt

    As expected, a ton of road hunters, however, we found a nice canyon to glass in the south eastern part of Perrin Ranch. We glassed out a nice herd of about 10 cows and were able to harvest 2 out of it. It was a fun and enjoyable hunt.
  7. RayGonzales

    Finally got it done late season bull

    I've had a few hunts where I was discouraged due to time winding down and not getting a shot. However, sticking it out and putting the work in will pay off. Last year during my deer hunt I went all week without seeing a buck and killed the one in my avatar on the last day. Nice elk, congrats.
  8. RayGonzales

    "My Turn", video and pics…Finally!

    Great story, great video. Thanks for sharing!!
  9. RayGonzales

    Unit 10 December Cow Hunt

    Thank you for replies. My hunt it coming up in 3 weeks and am looking forward to a great hunt.
  10. RayGonzales

    Unit 10 December Cow Hunt

    Agreed, we will definitely put in the work. Although there are a lot of roads in the area, we will be hiking and getting away from the roads. Glassing the junipers is what I was thinking. I just wanted to see if anyone had any insight. Thanks.
  11. RayGonzales

    Unit 10 December Cow Hunt

    I've never hunted Unit 10 before. I was out scouting a couple weeks ago and would like to stay in the southeast area near Williams. Found some great areas in the Perrin Ranch area near the windmills and was also told locally that the pipeline road area was a good area. Both areas look great, however, are very different. Unfortunately work and family is not giving us a chance to get back to our area before the hunt. Does anybody have any insight where we should start hunting come December?
  12. RayGonzales

    .270Win or Weatherby 7MM for Cow Hunt

    I feel that same as most other posting. Either rifle will work. It's all about shot placement. I have successfully hunted both cow and bull elk with my .270.
  13. RayGonzales

    They are starting to hit CC

    Got hit today, four people on app averaging 4 bonus points. Dad just hit 70 years old, this ones for him!