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Everything posted by gonhunting247

  1. gonhunting247

    Dream Hunt?

    I've been pretty lucky to get to hunt a lot of my dream hunts and some of them multiple times. Definitely not because I have a ton of disposable income, but because I have 3 sisters and a good high school Buddy that moved to AK and my Brother-in-Laws and my Buddy are willing to go along with about anything I research and want to try. I grew up dreaming of hunting and trapping AK, but figured I'd never get the chance, or at the most maybe once or twice. Fast forward until now and it's still hard to believe that I've been so furtunate. I've been able to see some incredible places by boat, bush plane and backpacking all DIY on our own. Between all of them, they have about every form of transportation needed in AK (Plane, boats, argos, sxs etc.) and they are willing to backpack in with me when I want also. A coues deer and javelina was another dream hunt that I got lucky and made happen a few times now and it definitely didn't disappoint! I think the adventure of different places and species than we have close to home adds some excitement that comes with the unknown and learning :).
  2. gonhunting247

    how do you display your sheds

    Very cool collection! Sorry they were lost in a fire. Pretty amazing pics!
  3. gonhunting247

    Need Advice: Family Friendly AZ towns not in the valley

    Good luck on your move back. I hope you find a great spot!
  4. gonhunting247

    Cabelas Alaskan Outfitter backpack

    PM sent
  5. gonhunting247

    My sheep hunt in the Picachos (37A east)

    Very cool. pretty ram. Congrats!
  6. gonhunting247

    Lion kill

    Probably too late for that kill site. I agree with the above post; looks like coyotes/birds got it maybe, but who knows maybe the lion made it's return trip before anything found it. The early kill site pic with the paunch open would be typical of the 1st day lion kills I've been part of checking. They like to go in right behind the last rib and eat the the organs up in the chest cavity first it seems. Very cool to find and check out. Hope you find one to post up on and get a lion. Good luck!
  7. gonhunting247

    2006 GMC LBZ Duramax

    Very nice! wish I was in a spot to spend that kind of money. That's set up perfectly for me, good luck on the sale!
  8. gonhunting247

    Shockey’s sheep

    Very cool ram!
  9. gonhunting247

    Who uses a bipod?

    I ues a harris bi-pod. The tall one and sure has been useful. It's amazing how handy it is for setting your gun down whie glassing too. The trade off is, it definitely makes your gun a bit front heavy when shooting off-hand, but it didn't take long to get adjusted to it.
  10. gonhunting247

    Recurve bow

    pm sent
  11. gonhunting247

    Dale Lee Storie(s)

    Thanks for posting!
  12. gonhunting247

    Please delete…

    Good luck with the sale. Bump for a very cool rig. Fresh off a house and shop build or I'd buy it!
  13. gonhunting247

    300 RUM Ammo - WTB

    Check optics planet, they just got mine in that were back ordered. Not the same as you wanted though.
  14. gonhunting247

    Colorado Brown Trout

    That is a beautiful brown!
  15. gonhunting247


    Pretty cool stuff mixed in there, I hope you find a good home for them!
  16. gonhunting247


    They do have a draw, but also quite a few otc options. Point system for draws work similar to NV, with points squared and multiple choices. They also have a lot of different options that make it interesting like multi-season add-ons for elk and deer. If you have specific questions feel free to ask. I have hunted over there quite a few times and have friends on that side of the river :).
  17. gonhunting247

    Coues Shirts

    Sending PM
  18. gonhunting247

    Cinco de Mayo Gould’s- 4 bearded tom

    Great bird!
  19. Wow those are some great deer, good work. That's an impressive season, congrats!
  20. gonhunting247

    Opinions on Rifles?

    I have an old MK85 Knight and a newer ultra-lite mountain rifle that Knight makes and both are great guns. The bolt is really short on the ultra-lite and doesn't seem any longer than the MK85 action. It is basically just a fancier looking mechanism that gives the option to swap out different bolts and breech plugs to make it legal in various states with different regs. Mine has been flawless on firing reliability and they are great to point and shoot, but I like that they feel a lot like a standard bolt action rifle that I am accustomed to.
  21. gonhunting247


    Somebody will be able to use those . I'd take them, but I'm in OR
  22. gonhunting247

    AZ has treated me well

    Thanks, I tried out my daughters Model 70 in 243 wssm. It was a fun little gun to carry and shoot.
  23. gonhunting247

    AZ has treated me well

    Since finally starting to apply for AZ a few years back, I have been lucky enough to get the opportunity to hunt Javelina 3 times. I had another great trip and was able to catch up with some guys that I met in AZ on my first hunt, which now I'm happy to say, are good friends. To top it off I was able to punch my 3rd Javelina tag on opening day. AZ has been very good to me, I wish I wouldn't have procrastinated so long.