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Everything posted by Wrk2Hnt

  1. Wrk2Hnt

    Ruger SP 101

    Sending text.
  2. Guess I'll try to get in on this one. I'll go with my 16" AR (5.56) shooting 77gr Sierra MatchKing
  3. Wrk2Hnt

    FS Ruger precision rifle 6.5 Creedmoor

    PM ME ABOUT YOUR LEG PLEASE! This was my first ever surgery/ broken bone and I have tons of anxiety and questions for someone with similar experience. Sorry to derail the thread.......unless you are interested in any trades/ partial trades....another free bump.
  4. Wrk2Hnt

    FS Ruger precision rifle 6.5 Creedmoor

    Wish I didn't just break my leg in 3 spots or I'd be all over this. Any trades? Haha
  5. Wrk2Hnt

    VX1 3x9x40

    Sent you a PM.
  6. Wrk2Hnt

    Old deer tags

    Not sure where to post this. Just curious what the old metal g&f tags said and how to read them. I just aquired a couple of old mule deer mounts from a random guy driving past my house that thought I'd appreciate his grandpa's mounts rather than selling them since my garage was up and he saw hunting stuff. Not sure if the deer are from AZ or not. Tags say AG&F.....there is a number before that and I was wondering if that was the date.
  7. Anyone have a .578x28 thread size suppessor or any other muzzle device that size that live's in Chandler or close to? I have a barrel that I'm unsure of thread size so looking for someone that has something they'd be willing to bring by the house and see if it fits. I'd gladly pay you a beer or two. I want to put a brake on a gun but have to figure out if indeed the size I found is correct since it is not factory.
  8. Wrk2Hnt

    Threaded barrel/ suppressor question.

    I have calipers, I'll take the barrel to work and try to figure out what I can.I do have 1/4-28 screws at work. I have one rifle barrel and 2 handgun barrels with the same thread. Thanks for the help.
  9. Wrk2Hnt

    Threaded barrel/ suppressor question.

    That's why I'm trying to find someone with that size. The info I found for 1 barrel says that's the size they thread it. But I have 3 barrels that use the same brake, 2 are not threaded from the factory. I want to verify it is that size before I buy something permanent for one of the barrels. I figured it's as simple as seeing if something of know size threads on it not. If it work's then I know what it is. If it won't thread on then it's not. No damage done.
  10. Wrk2Hnt

    Old deer tags

    Thank you Mr Quimby. If I'm reading them right it is 1968 DEER AG&F, and 1955 DEER AG&F. After that it's a long number that i assume is like a permit number. I'll have to try and get a couple pictures up. If they are truly that old they are in pretty good shape. Even have the ears folded too far forward like all the old school mounts.
  11. Cant speak for the rifle, but good seller. Stand up guy! Deal with confidence.....even for a noob! Doesn't seem like the type of guy that's gonna BS around a deal. He was willing to work around my availability even with other people in line for an item.
  12. Wrk2Hnt

    Leupold VX3 6.5-20x40

    Those are the "target" style turrets. My favorite for leupolds. Great price too!
  13. Wrk2Hnt

    Tool boxes

    Do you still have this stuff? And if so where you located?
  14. Wrk2Hnt

    Tool boxes

    Super cheap. That Dewalt is awesome! I have the same one with the Dewalt top. Worth the $ for sure. Dewalt bottom still goes for over $200 when they are on sale.
  15. A happy outcome for everyone.... The original tag holder was recently able to get his mother out of the hospital. She is in a nursing home because she still needs frequent medical attention but that beats being in the hospital on your death bed. Geez.....meaning everything could have been much worse but wasn't. Not saying everything was the best ever. So many warriors on here lately. "glad things are getting better".
  16. Wrk2Hnt

    Coues smasher.

    I can't afford it unless you take several payments..... but I definitely want to see a pic of this thing.
  17. Wrk2Hnt

    Mossberg ssi-one. 223 heavy barrel

    Where you located?
  18. That's awesome. Glad it was a happy outcome for everyone. Can't wait to see the final product of the actual mount and the replica horns.
  19. Thanks for the writeup Lee(300RUM). I'm glad all is going well for your friend and the tag was still used. I'm glad Chris was aware enough to donate the tag.....even tho last minute. It worked out and I'm sure plenty of people were apreciative it went to a great cause.
  20. Wrk2Hnt

    PSE Xforce GX 70-80# 26"-30"DL

    Glad he got it. Thanks for holding it for a while.
  21. That's amazing. I was thinking the same thing today but hadn't called yet. Somebody out there is awesome.
  22. Neil, thank you for your sactifice. It was a pleasure meeting you. I'm glad I got to share a sliver of the experience with you and the rest of the crew of guys that was nothing short of amazing. Can't wait to see the final pic of that beautiful ram on your wall.
  23. It was fun getting a group together that share the same interest and wanted to help someone out. Was a great time sharing a mtn side with you guys.