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Everything posted by Wrk2Hnt

  1. Wrk2Hnt

    Snow Bird Down

    Great picture.
  2. Wrk2Hnt

    One out of Two tags filled

    Good pictures, Congrats on the bird.
  3. Wrk2Hnt

    Pics from mid April

    That bull sure is looking good already.
  4. Wrk2Hnt

    Poor deer shed the wrong thing.

    You'll find him eventually. Not like he's gonna run away now!
  5. Wrk2Hnt

    Ashlyn's 1st spring turkey hunt

    Good job on your first bird. Thanks for sharing it with us.
  6. Wrk2Hnt

    Youth turkey hunt Memorabilia

    Looks awesome. He will love it.
  7. Wrk2Hnt

    Good Coues

    Nice buck.
  8. Wrk2Hnt

    Sheep in 6A

    Just sharing a few pictures I got of some sheep in 6A. Maybe someday he'll be on some lucky hunters wall.
  9. Wrk2Hnt

    37B Bighorn Sheep

    Thanks for the data. Wonder where they got him from.
  10. Wrk2Hnt

    A few from this year and a cool set!

    Looks like you did pretty good. That is a nice set.
  11. Wrk2Hnt

    Shooting 400fps

    Interesting read.
  12. Wrk2Hnt

    Unit 1/27 Youth Turkey Hunt

    Nice birds. Congrats!
  13. Wrk2Hnt

    12lbs 7oz 31" Mirror Carp (Link to Video added)

    Cool looking fish!
  14. Wrk2Hnt

    Aoudad home

    Really good looking mount. Thanks for showing it.
  15. Wrk2Hnt

    Since I DIDN'T get an elk tag!

    I like the buck with the kickers on both sides. Albino deer is a cool find too. Bet it was easy glassing that one up....
  16. Wrk2Hnt

    Kansas Toms

    Nice looking birds.
  17. Wrk2Hnt

    Since I DIDN'T get an elk tag!

    Those are some studs. I like the last pics of the buck in the boulders.
  18. Wrk2Hnt


    Beautiful mount.
  19. Wrk2Hnt

    coues deer for 2 brothers

    Looks great. Both very nice bucks.
  20. Wrk2Hnt

    marlin M60-22lr SS with 22lr ammo

    Seems the price is good to me with your value of the rifle. Every 550 box I see is $55+ Not trying to give the guy a hard time. I'm just not willing to pay $55+ per 550rds. I know that's what some people are getting for them. I have seen people selling them for almost $100 (crazy). I don't need the ammo but I have been looking for another .22 to set aside for my son since I have too much work into all mine and don't want them getting all dinged up.
  21. Wrk2Hnt

    custom 6.5-284

    Interested in selling the gun without the scope?
  22. Wrk2Hnt

    marlin M60-22lr SS with 22lr ammo

    How much for just the ammo? Are the boxes full? Seems a little high $ since you can get the gun between $200 & $250 brand new . Looks like the iron sights are missing, do you have them?
  23. Wrk2Hnt

    Found some

    Good picture.