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Everything posted by Wrk2Hnt

  1. That looks delicious!
  2. Wrk2Hnt

    Sold (please delete)

  3. Wrk2Hnt

    Sold (please delete)

    Bump. No serious offers yet.
  4. Wrk2Hnt

    Sold (please delete)

    Come on Mike! You know I have to play with cool stuff when I find it in the garage. It's like Christmas time.
  5. Wrk2Hnt

    Rifle Stock Painting

    Seriously, what do you charge? I would love to have my creedmoor precision rifle done in black,grey, and tan American flag.
  6. Wrk2Hnt

    Sold (please delete)

    Muledeerarea33 what items were you looking at? I have a friend that frequents between the valley and Tucson pretty often. Pm me if you want
  7. Wrk2Hnt

    Sold (please delete)

    I was just poking fun.......I have bought from several people on here and sold to quite a few. Was just being more creative than saying "bump".
  8. Wrk2Hnt

    WTS Federal Automatch AMMO (325rd 22LR) SPF

  9. I have 2 more boxes for sale. $25 EA SPF Located in Chandler Paul (602)571-3246
  10. Wrk2Hnt

    Sold (please delete)

    If only I could make the "good guy" (seller and buyers) lists. Maybe then I could sell these things. lol.......................Bump
  11. Wrk2Hnt

    A new world record- I think

    Lol, "hybrid"..........sounds good to me. We haven't had one of those disputes for a while now.
  12. Wrk2Hnt

    Sold (please delete)

    Yes, it's a blem.
  13. Wrk2Hnt

    Sold (please delete)

    Might be willing to sell the upper if the other guy that's asking about the lower wants it.
  14. Wrk2Hnt

    Tan model , Leica LRF 1200 scan, for sale

    I wish I wasn't trying to sell stuff for the elk hunt. Otherwise I would be all over this.
  15. Wrk2Hnt

    Sold (please delete)

    I know I'll jinx my self. I still have things in the freezer I didn't take in yet. So I figure if I have the money saved I'll drop him off on my way back home. Haven't decided what type of mount I want tho. Probably won't sell it all, just exploring my options hoping someone wants something.
  16. Wrk2Hnt

    Shot lion-need help tracking

    I haven't ever seen a lion that I have shot since I have never shot one. Until that day, I live my dreams by seeing other people's dead lions.
  17. Wrk2Hnt

    23N early rifle bull!

    Tag finally showed up in the mail. Guess I'm really going hunting 21 weeks from tomorrow.
  18. Wrk2Hnt

    23N early rifle bull!

    Don't worry guys. No body on here is giving me crap for drawing the tag. Just my buddies who put in for the same hunt and haven't drawn yet. Even they are excited one of us got it. It's all in good fun. We will be scouting and fishing all summer. More or less the scouting will just be to look at antler growth so I can set my goal. Other than that I'll still shoot a small bull on the last day for all the delicious meat if that's what it comes down to.
  19. Wrk2Hnt

    Trout Experts: Wild Tiger Trout in AZ?

    Look like it could be. I know I read something a while back about them putting them in some AZ waters and they were going be small ones.
  20. Wrk2Hnt

    Sold Please Delete

    Pm's sent and responded to.
  21. Wrk2Hnt

    6A late Archery HELP!!!

    Luckily there are tons of elk in the unit. I would start by learning the roads and just driving around. You will start seeing elk in the same areas after a while (sometimes off the road). What type of hunting do you do (glassing, walking around,...etc.)?