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Everything posted by Wrk2Hnt

  1. Wrk2Hnt

    23N early rifle bull!

    Finally made it up there to look at some new spots saturday. Due to the weather glassing wasn't so good. Still found cows, calves, muley does and fawns, wt does and fawns, bunch of turkeys including finally seeing a pink one, NO bulls.
  2. Wrk2Hnt

    WTS/ WTT 20GA Semi-Auto

    Another bump or I guess I'll be using it in a week.
  3. Wrk2Hnt

    WTS/ WTT 20GA Semi-Auto

  4. Wrk2Hnt

    WTS/ WTT 20GA Semi-Auto

    Responded to a couple pms
  5. Wrk2Hnt

    WTS/ WTT 20GA Semi-Auto

    Painted the composite stock
  6. Wrk2Hnt

    WTS/ WTT 20GA Semi-Auto

    Bump for dove season. A few lookers, but no commitments yet. I'll consider partial trades if anyone is interested. Let me know what you have.
  7. Wrk2Hnt

    6 Leupold Tactical 3x9 scopes

    Bump for awesome scopes. Love mine......if I can sell something soon I might have to pick one of these up as a spare.
  8. Wrk2Hnt

    2015 elk done!

    Nice bull! That's what I'm hoping for this year. Looks great.
  9. Wrk2Hnt


    Has the switch and relay.
  10. Wrk2Hnt


    I have a pair of KC daylighter spot beam halogen (100w) black housing's that I decided not to use. They come with the covers and wiring kit. Box is open but they are new. I decided to go a different route for my 4runner. $100 obo Located in Chandler
  11. Wrk2Hnt


  12. Wrk2Hnt


    I think it's frowned upon here. Too many nosy old people
  13. Wrk2Hnt


  14. Wrk2Hnt

    WTB 20 gauge O/U shotgun

    Let me know if he decide's he wants a 12ga instead.
  15. Wrk2Hnt


    About 30 seconds. Remove screw from forend, pull forend off, break action, barrel comes off, put new barrel on, close action, put forend back on, insert screw.
  16. Wrk2Hnt


  17. Wrk2Hnt


    Set up as a shotgun with the old stock
  18. Wrk2Hnt


  19. Wrk2Hnt


  20. Wrk2Hnt

    Sold (please delete)

  21. Wrk2Hnt

    Bearded Dragon

    Bump for a sweet lizard. I use to have bearded dragons, leopard geckos, tarantulas, scorpions, snakes......then had a kid and wife said no more. Now I have a kid, 3 dogs, and a fish. Good luck with the sale/ trades.
  22. Wrk2Hnt

    23N early rifle bull!

    I haven't made it up to glass yet. Too much OT to pass up lately. I'm hoping soon. ...... need to take the 7stw back out and make sure she is ready since it's been a couple years since she got out of the safe.