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Everything posted by Calhuon

  1. Calhuon

    Tommy998 scammer

    Yep scamtrash
  2. Calhuon

    EL 10x42 Swaros

    Who's the seller? I'm confused. Are they perfect? Or?
  3. Calhuon

    Flatbed trailer sold

    Dual axle Zieman trailer sold
  4. Calhuon

    Remington 700 BDL 22 250 / 1100

    $1100 on BDL. 721 sold at gunshow
  5. Calhuon

    Remington 700 BDL 22 250 / 1100

    Recent article on 721 in National Rifleman 300 HH in Africa
  6. Calhuon

    Lookin for OU 20ga

    I'm thinking about going dove hunting this year and looking for OU 20ga. Maybe a Ruger or Browning
  7. Calhuon

    Remington 700 BDL 22 250 / 1100

    These rifles available in Tucson. Im in Sonoita. If someone is not interested in the 300HH ammo , dies , and scope I can lower the price of the 721.
  8. Calhuon


    2nd in line
  9. Calhuon


    Everything pictured for 1 price? Or are the 8mags seperate?
  10. Calhuon

    New Beretta Tomcat 32 ACP

  11. Calhuon

    Classic A.J. Savage 22lr sold

    $150 in Sonoita will take it
  12. Calhuon

    Classic A.J. Savage 22lr sold

    I'm SE of Tucson 520 six 0 four 6 5 eight 7
  13. Calhuon

    Classic A.J. Savage 22lr sold

    I think $200 for this rare piece is fair. Thanks
  14. Calhuon

    Browning trail cam ?

    I have been using Browning trail cam and all of a sudden it doesn't take night photos. I have used it for 3-4 years. Any hope?
  15. Calhuon

    Browning trail cam ?

    I use it at home to monitor wildlife passing through at night. Binos and experience for hunting coues
  16. Calhuon

    Wtb Leupold scope

    I have a Charles Daly 4x32 with B Square Winchester 94 scope mount. Japanese glass
  17. Calhuon

    Swarovski EL Range 10x42 SOLD

    Where are you located? What vintage are they? Thanks
  18. Calhuon


    Boy I'd like to have the Buckmark and Aguila but way down south and won't be up that way til Monday or Tuesday
  19. Calhuon


  20. Calhuon


    Thanks but gone to a new home
  21. Calhuon


    Still available. Nice 77
  22. Calhuon

    Winchester 94/ Ruger 77

    Two pre 64 94 Winchesters $750ea