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Everything posted by Switchback

  1. Switchback

    perfect 6x6 bull

  2. Switchback

    Draw results

    maybe 5 o clock their closing time.......
  3. Switchback

    Draw results

    11 today
  4. Switchback


  5. hope so....bad thing is they will come out today everyone will be calling only a few of us will get through then the system will crash and the rest of us wont find out till Friday
  6. Switchback

    When & Why?

    For me it is and was the challange....Nothing like the spot n stock with a happy ending
  7. Switchback

    Width isn't everything..

    great video and awesome buck...thanks for sharing, don't think I could of passed on him either with the unique tower on him...hope he is still around for you
  8. Switchback

    Draw results

    This would take all the fun out of it....Come on we all know the wait is as much fun as it is frustrating.... Good luck to all
  9. Switchback

    My son

    Kent I am so sorry for your loss my prayers are with you.....
  10. Switchback

    A few from days gone by..

    what awesome pictures....Thanks for sharing!
  11. Switchback

    The buck that got away.

    I too would have taken that boy to the happy hunting grounds...great buck and great footage...maybe this year
  12. Switchback

    Dads First Archery Coues

    great picture and story....I love that area
  13. Switchback

    Draw results

    I am guessing tomorrow by 10
  14. hope so my 10 yr old is asking me every 5 min....Hope he gets drawn
  15. Switchback


    yes just out in the woods scouting a few weeks before deer season with no pistol got kind of nervous for a bit. I have had several run ins with this critters in the past, and even chased before... me and bears dont do well
  16. Switchback


    my bad should of waited...thought I would take of picture of what ate me for the family to know...luckly he changed his mind good luck on your hunt
  17. Switchback

    Attempted camera theft caught on video!

    That is great!
  18. Switchback


    Here is one for you up close and personnel....
  19. Switchback

    mystery creature

    I always new there were big foots out there....
  20. Switchback

    4th of July pics

    looks like a great bull hopefully you can get some more great pictures of him
  21. Switchback

    photo radar ticket

    i also have a dps friend and he said don't pay....they will send reminders trying to scare you into paying but don't do it...then they will send someone to your house to serve you if you don't answer or if you do dont say you are the guy then they throw out the ticket and you are good to go...
  22. Switchback

    Latest Trail Cam Pics

    great pictures Does that lion have a collar on it??
  23. Switchback

    Bulls in Velvet

    Sorry for the blurryness but here are some bulls in velvet
  24. Switchback

    Any Archaeologists here?

    way cool grab it before the mansoons hit and wash it away
  25. Switchback

    Bulls in Velvet

    yes they are AZ bulls