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Everything posted by Switchback

  1. Switchback


    Alright I have to ask some questions.. I have been in the mtns and desert hunting, hiking and you name it all my life. I have had the oppurtunity to see things that most people dream of, but this is only the second time I have run across a pack like this out of all my outings. Yea Yea I know it is funny but I hear all kinds of stories about these things from they will throw rocks at you to even having the whole pack attack you.. I even heard one story of them jumping on a guys truck after he shot one (most likely to much alcohol in that story). But either way does anyone know the truth behind these rodents??? Has anyone else heard crazy stories or are my friends just not normal? Good luck on the tags hopefully they will be out today....
  2. Switchback

    Big C Richard Noble buck

    great buck!
  3. Switchback

    first buck

    awesome Buck congrats
  4. Switchback

    Covert II trail cam pics from Aug. 14-26

    awesome pictures Scott!
  5. Switchback

    Bucks for sale

    Treestandman go with the switchback awesome animals! I bet you the bull is bigger than you think! good luck!
  6. Switchback

    Archery Buck

    awesome buck congrats!
  7. Switchback

    AZ Giant 128 4/8

    awesome video well done!
  8. Switchback

    '09 archery antelope hunt

    hang in there and good luck
  9. Switchback

    I was in unit 8 this weekend

    awesome site for sure....I have seen this a few times in the josh meadows in 27...That area is sure going to make for an awesome boxing ring for the bulls here in a week or two..
  10. Switchback

    whitetail or mullie

    bull elk
  11. Switchback

    Quick Trip to Powell

    great pictures!
  12. Switchback

    tagged out

    congrats but where are the pictures
  13. Switchback

    2009 arizona dream buck (133 P&Y inches)

    congrats awesome buck for sure!
  14. awesome buck for sure congrats
  15. Switchback

    Introducing Myself

  16. Switchback

    What do yall think?

    nice one
  17. Switchback

    2009 Archery Coues Success

    great buck congrats
  18. Switchback

    Unit (you wish ) Carp

    awesome buck congrats!
  19. Switchback


    awesome buck
  20. Switchback

    San Diego D16 hunt

    love the beach there in the summer time!
  21. Switchback

    South of the Line

  22. Switchback

    Where is all the archery deer pics ?

    where are the pics???
  23. Switchback

    opening day 4x4 carp

    nice one congrats