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About Switchback

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 02/24/1977

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Highlands Ranch, CO
  • Interests
    family, friends, hunting, and sports...

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  1. This is now my 12th year no tag and all my stuff is now for sale.....exspeciallly after hearing 2 people i know drew back to back archery 27 bull tags
  2. Switchback


    i would be thanking the dude for not stealing my camera who cares about turning it off..... thats my half a penny
  3. Switchback

    Marcy's NM Success

    awesome buck for sure my guess is 104 Congrats Marcy!
  4. Switchback

    A Worthless Waste of Hunting Gear

    + 1 million makes me sick to think of the bull i lost due to these! they maybe better now but i will never shoot another!
  5. when your hunt starts friday and you have so much to do to get ready and you go on couesWhitetail.com just to see who is posting what.... good luck to all!!!
  6. Switchback

    The New Swarovski EL SWAROVISION

    How much will they be??
  7. Switchback

    Mogollon Taxidermy does it again!

    awesome buck and great mount! What did he score?
  8. Switchback

    Fall Color in New England

    awesome pictures!
  9. Switchback

    Held at gunpoint

    are these guys mexican gangs or us gangs? not sure i should post this but if that were me its going to be like the shootout at ok correl..... If BP knows about these gangs are they doing something about it?
  10. Switchback

    my 11 year olds first elk, 580 yards

    congrats! That is one heck of a shot... good luck on your deer hunt
  11. Switchback

    2009 Archery Bull hunt

    bummer deal sorry to hear that..... what time did you go back the next day? was he hit bad enough that you think he died that night? I have heard of people killing bulls in the rut that had arrows in them...
  12. Switchback

    Two deer down

    Congrats for sure that is awesome! Looks like your daughter got a non-typical spike.....
  13. Switchback

    My 13 yr. old Son's First Coues Buck

    congrats what a great hunt for you
  14. Switchback

    Camo job on 7mm mag

    looks sweet Chris!