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About Dipanddeer

  • Rank
  • Birthday May 29

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  • Interests
    Hunt and Fish

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  1. Dipanddeer

    Eberlestock Just One Pack 200$

    Used eberlestock just one 200$ great looking pack any questions text 520-240-7010
  2. Selling my too simple release only used a couple times. 150$ vortex viper hst 6x24x50 MRAD with rings been out to the range once with it. 600$ i live in tucson but i go up to phoenix every week call or text for pics and info 520-240-7010
  3. Dipanddeer

    Left Handed Mathews Creed

  4. Dipanddeer

    Left handed Bear Attitude!

  5. Dipanddeer

    Fantasy Football League

    i got a guy that would join right now
  6. Dipanddeer

    Kenny and bobb

  7. Dipanddeer

    Kenny and bobb

    Saw two stickers one was a Toyota and the other was a jeep!
  8. Dipanddeer

    NEW designs for 2015

    Just got my shirt in today they're awesome!!!!!! Buy one
  9. Dipanddeer


    saw about 30 doe and no bucks..... so that kinda sucked
  10. Dipanddeer

    My new whip

    how much was the no cam
  11. Dipanddeer


    Mathews creed! =D
  12. Dipanddeer

    high desert variety

    Great pictures
  13. Dipanddeer

    Need advice, entry level cam

    stealth cam g42 some of the best pictures I have seen its 120$ on eBay right now goes out to 100ft I love mine