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Everything posted by Presmyk

  1. Presmyk

    Briarpatch 4 cage cluster $380

    Pm returned
  2. Presmyk

    Briarpatch 4 cage cluster $380

    Ttt $300
  3. Presmyk

    Briarpatch 4 cage cluster $380

    Pm returned
  4. Presmyk

    Briarpatch 4 cage cluster $380

    No his dad was goin to give him the $20 just to much in gas to get here. Can buy at this price an flip them when season starts and the builders not taking orders to the procrasanator lol
  5. Presmyk

    Briarpatch 4 cage cluster $380

    I offered to green head $300 so if any one wants can steal them for that price. And located in camp verde witch is mid way of phx and flag off i17
  6. Presmyk

    Briarpatch 4 cage cluster $380

    Try to post pics
  7. Presmyk

    Briarpatch 4 cage cluster $380

    I caught 2 cats last year one sold $300 one $275 . Could only take one cat to pay for cages at this price
  8. Presmyk

    Briarpatch 4 cage cluster $380

    Never to early to get ready for fur season. If dont sell within the month will keep and run them
  9. Presmyk

    Briarpatch 4 cage cluster $380

    I wish I could if didnt need funds would be different story. 380$ ill get you all set up lures beaver meat ( best bait every thing eats beaver) and all the tips and pointers to catch cats that I've learned
  10. Presmyk

    Briarpatch 4 cage cluster $380

    Or possible trade for rifle shotgun pistol
  11. Presmyk

    11m early Bull

    It's hard staying away from other hunters on any hunt. Pm sent
  12. Doesn't show up under pic of regs have to click on draw system
  13. Presmyk

    Online system is up finally

    Lol that's funny
  14. Presmyk

    Online system is up finally

    Come on jhonny no complaining on a public forum? Lol get real that's like giving a monkey a banana and telling him not to eat it lol
  15. Presmyk

    Online system is up finally

    Lol they ment early to mid may "ish" close enough
  16. Presmyk

    eastern hunting

    That is the best reply to a stupid question I have heard in a while lol
  17. Can use some cat nip to for cage trapping bobcat there is a lure called cage magic. On site there a vid of lion rollining and rubbing on it
  18. Presmyk

    Which December tag?

    Where is that and how much the odds change per point?