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Everything posted by Presmyk

  1. Thank you for the info
  2. Guy from work brought me some powder and ssuff to load for him but the set of dies with it are 300 weatherby dies is that a mix up or they both compatible?
  3. It's not the Norma h&h with the longer shoulder case
  4. It's not the Norma h&h with the longer shoulder case
  5. Presmyk

    00 kawasaki zr-7 fs/ft

    1800$ cash price
  6. Presmyk

    first ever bear tag ?s

    Even when limit is reached have till. The following Wednesday evening
  7. Presmyk

    00 kawasaki zr-7 fs/ft

    Just put new tires and spark plugs end of june and oil and oil filter changed about 800 miles ago
  8. Presmyk

    A little 6b elk success

    Nice To see some success, me and my dad bothe had bull tags as well. The hunters were a little more dispersed didnt run into as many others hunters (did but not as many as years past) and out of all my archery elk tags( 6 bull 2 cow) in 6b sept. I never saw a "road hunter" prime time just cruising 10mph but had a first up there lol. You proble saw him a old blue Dakota . Where you camped just north or rattle burn off 231?
  9. Presmyk

    Remington 30-06 For sale

    You comeing north any time soon?
  10. Presmyk

    19A Coues?

    Seems azgf would put age restrictions on coues in19a If it would Make or break the population in the unit or better yet like you said keep mule only
  11. Presmyk

    What would you do . . .

    What I am doing is 6b archery Bull in few days!!
  12. Presmyk

    Got my Gould’s turkey mount back

    Did you make the arrow head plaque the deer is on?
  13. Presmyk

    Got my Gould’s turkey mount back

    How far along was he? I couldn't decide witch pose I wanted like yours or just strutting
  14. Presmyk

    Got my Gould’s turkey mount back

    *of smart phone is Not do smart and fat fingers to boot lol
  15. Presmyk

    Got my Gould’s turkey mount back

    That's sweet he is doing My 35a goulds from April right now To in strutting pose. He's a cool guy can tell his love or what he does one step into his shop
  16. Presmyk

    Hunter Ed Question

    * pm me I ment
  17. Presmyk

    Hunter Ed Question

    Where are you guys doing the field day? If you want can on me ill get you my dads number he has been voulenteer hunter Ed instructor for 15 20 years he could help you put jr at ease
  18. Presmyk

    I Blew It!

    I feel your pain had my chance first sat of season and blew it at 30 yards. It's all about the PPPP Prayer-patience-persistence-prayer. No such thing as to much prayer
  19. Sold sorry forgot about this pos
  20. Just put up a ad in the classifieds. Not sure if can put here or not
  21. Presmyk

    Predators wanted???

    you know in trapping its Not $250 for hour work between the scouting finding the cat running traps and checking them lol if you are that good ill pay you for lessons .(I follow your posts very good at what you do) Calling that would be a little more realistic
  22. Ya it might just depend on how late snow sticks around if still in den ill proble put in for it this year not sure draw odds
  23. But that's spots on east side there are bear on west like he said sycamore and voulenteer