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Everything posted by Presmyk

  1. Presmyk

    First bobcat ever

    Take some food color and mark see if same one lol
  2. Presmyk


    Ok I'll talk to the boss lady see if it's in budget need one for my English pointer
  3. Presmyk


    Where are you located?
  4. Presmyk

    first cat of the year

    Nice that's awesome
  5. Presmyk

    First bobcat ever

    The black stripes on leg make me think different one but that's awesome
  6. Presmyk

    First bobcat ever

    Are you running mercer cages?
  7. Presmyk

    first cat of the year

    Nice what elevation you at? Flagstaff seeing the nau?
  8. Presmyk


    What is the range on it?
  9. Presmyk


    What is the range on it?
  10. Presmyk

    Coyote problem in 36b

    Lol you can't come to his hood and not offer up a bubbly
  11. Presmyk

    first cat of the year

    Nice looking cat
  12. Presmyk

    First bobcat ever

    Lol ya that's funny because it's true know can't get you but still jump every time.
  13. Presmyk

    First bobcat ever

    Ya those pics can see the size alot better. Could you tell if was female or tom? Where there is one there are more
  14. Presmyk

    First bobcat ever

    Hard to tell from pic on size but it's what ever you feel you should. do unless some one else is paying for your gas and time their opinion means nothing. Post update asap and congrats on the first of hopefully many!!!!
  15. Presmyk

    cats and cages

    There wasn't a we there was a you assuming things. Thank you for the conservation 101 lessons thank you and hope you have a good season as well.
  16. Presmyk

    cats and cages

    Can't upload or send video but here screen shot of 2nd time got it out
  17. Presmyk

    cats and cages

    Before you assume you know the situation and that im a ignorant new trapper that doesn't believe in conservation ask.i wouldn't consider myself a new or a seasoned trapper but I'm on my fifth season trapping. this is only 2nd season running some cages I actually let that one out and have the video on my phone letting it out went back in cage twice and third time I got it out came after me so I beat to down with choke pole. but you are right very small and young.
  18. Presmyk

    Fox Down

    I would have to agree save it for for the tweeter book space non sense
  19. Presmyk

    Fox Down

    Just out of curiosity do you where the klans hood when calling or just for the pic?
  20. Presmyk

    cats and cages

    I heard they possibly dropped 25-30 % ?
  21. Presmyk

    cats and cages

    First cat 3 season ago
  22. Presmyk

    cats and cages

    I am only running 5 cages right now getting another 3 then I have 14 foot holds I'll be running On some land I got access to. Ya I pit up and sell mine I kept my first cat I caught in foot hold though sentimental value
  23. Presmyk

    cats and cages

    Ever been sprayed?? Whats your normal bait for bobcats? ya I took a spray straight the the face trying let one out was asleep head facing me bump the metal saw his head lift and before I could escape it turned and sprayed quick draw magraw style and I was on lunch break from work lol I buy peroxide baking soda and dish soap in bulk trapping season lol
  24. Presmyk

    cats and cages

    Ya I took syringe and took skunk essences last year and melt down Vaseline then add in have 2 mason jar worth and have no plans on messing with that stuff any time soon lol. You can ruins some ones day with a splash of that stuff. I have beaver meat from last season but if I have to.buy some I buy the fat cat from grawes I belive it's good stuff. in a set I use the skunk lure ,bobcat piss, bait cage magic then 2 different visuals