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Everything posted by Presmyk

  1. Presmyk

    3 cage traps

    Ya you guys had good concept when building them I think
  2. Presmyk

    3 cage traps

    Or trades I'll have to take a tap e to them and get dimensions
  3. Presmyk

    3 cage traps

  4. Presmyk

    3 cage traps

  5. Presmyk

    3 cage traps

  6. Just wait till dead line extends bc all the last minute twits that can't get their chit together. I think they are just as bad as the morons that will extend it!
  7. Presmyk

    cage traps

    Not legal but the big cage would hold a small lion. I know some one that caught small not spotted lion in one
  8. Presmyk

    Bowtech Insanity Compound Bow - $895 (S.E. Mesa)

    Why were cams replaced? Was dry fired?
  9. Presmyk

    cage traps

    Still month of season left and it the best part lol the stretchers home made or?
  10. Presmyk

    00 kawasaki zr-7 fs/ft

    Took the wrap off if not noticed
  11. Presmyk

    00 kawasaki zr-7 fs/ft

    Almost riding season and 700$ under book
  12. Presmyk

    Savage .17 Hornet and dog tracking and shock collars

    Wish I would of saw the hornet before got 17 wsm
  13. Presmyk


    I'll trade you a street bike for it lol
  14. another good idea would just make sure bow is in tune so can shoot any head instead of using a mechanical head for a band aid witch will still not perform to full potential out of a out of tuned rig any ways. But 75% of "bow hunters" will grab there bow out of case week or 2 before season run to wally world and grab a pack of rage lol they "expand your kill zone"!!!! And come with "get your game or money back guarantee" lol
  15. Presmyk

    Ruger M77 7mm remington magnum

    Must not got my pm about round count
  16. Vortex are good but are not made any more there is a new head called a executioner I think I might try it out kinda like a vortex with coc tip
  17. Presmyk

    .17 Hornet for a calling rifle

    The hornet shoots a 25 grain bullet like 500 fps faster then then the 17 wsm I'm not sure how big.of a difference that makes in ballistics but I got a 17 wsm for varmit gun and have a very itchy trigger finger to try her out lol
  18. Presmyk

    Youtube video show guy shoot turkey in 13b with .597 22wmr

    Lol that's very true
  19. Presmyk

    Turkey Taxidermist?

    My 35 a goulds is done got the call from sven few days before Christmas so about 8 months I think that's a pretty good turn around. Only bad thing is have to wait till taxes to pick up lol
  20. Presmyk

    Youtube video show guy shoot turkey in 13b with .597 22wmr

    looks can be deceiving
  21. Presmyk

    00 kawasaki zr-7 fs/ft

    Last drop $1100
  22. Presmyk

    MTM predator rest (gun, binos, and pack sold)

    Any plans of coming up north any time?
  23. Presmyk

    Cat In A Cage !!

    Witch Size cage 2nd from smallest?
  24. Presmyk

    MTM predator rest (gun, binos, and pack sold)

    Where are you located?
  25. Presmyk

    7MM and .30 Cal Bullets, Varget Powder

    So what's the price on powder?