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Everything posted by Presmyk

  1. Presmyk

    Savage 116 FCSS

    Says $700 in other post on here think its the same gun no pics in other post
  2. Presmyk

    6a Help

    When is your elk hunt bull or cow?
  3. Presmyk

    6a Help

    Ive put in some hours glassing around stoneman and up 260 few spots where i have seen deer but just elk so far starting to get nervous lol but i have 3 availiable days before starts to burn up some mountain sides in the binos.
  4. Presmyk

    Any where......

    Did you get the bow new? Or used
  5. My brother is selling his ruger m77 30-06 less then 40 rounds down range. $650 anu questions pm me and will get you info or give you his number
  6. Looking for 22-250 dies and or some brass
  7. Presmyk

    Kahr cw40 $200

  8. Presmyk

    Kahr cw40 $200

    Selling for surgery copay 2 mags and holster
  9. Presmyk

    Kahr cw40 $200

    Spf tommorow
  10. Presmyk

    Kahr cw40 $200

    Didnt get it
  11. Presmyk

    Kahr cw40 $200

    In camp verde
  12. Presmyk

    Ruger Super Blackhawk Hunter 44 Mag "SOLD"

    possible trade
  13. Presmyk

    Thompson Center Encore Pro Hunter

    Have a kahr cw40 and a anderson ar trade if interested
  14. Presmyk

    6a input?

    The wife and my self habe the oct tags. Good luck
  15. Presmyk

    i want to buy a rifle

    Looks pretty dirty for only one box through it
  16. Presmyk


    Whats the recoil like with the 45? And accuracy?
  17. How much without scope
  18. Presmyk

    Ruger Precision Rifle NIB 6.5 creedmoor Gen 2 $2850

    They are 1200 at sportsman's warehouse in flag
  19. Presmyk

    338 Win Mag Cases for Sale

    Once fired?
  20. Presmyk

    22 magnum rife and ammo for sale

    Pics of rifle?
  21. Presmyk

    Winchester model 70 300wsm

    I got in a trade from a member and the boss lady wont let me drop the money i want to in to it since i have my 338. It has a nice boyds stock on it and has load info and a set of dies neck size and abot 60 nickle plated brass 400$ can message or txt me at 928-301-9169 will post pics shortly
  22. Presmyk

    Winchester model 70 300wsm

    Jist rifle and rings no scope