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Everything posted by CouesFanatic

  1. CouesFanatic

    Saw this on Instagram...what’s your take?

    Ya I think you are right on that and thats fine. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. I still think we will head to a draw down the road after the units get hit hard enough to close most of them after the first weekend. We'll see how long it takes. I'm fearful a lot of the units will close before we get to January but I hope I'm wrong on that and we still get to hunt in the rut.
  2. CouesFanatic

    Saw this on Instagram...what’s your take?

    I think this is exactly what they want. Lots of tags sold and hunts opening back up= lots of money for the game and fish and crowded hunting for us again. This allows them to sell just about the same number of OTC tags and kill less deer. I'd rather have it a draw and have a quality hunt but this department has shown again and again its all about $$$$$ first.
  3. CouesFanatic

    Saw this on Instagram...what’s your take?

    It's just a legal obligation to take public feedback. I hope they take that into consideration but they do as they please.
  4. CouesFanatic

    New Draw

    Rifle January Coues hunts? wow. More tags for more $$$$. Looks like we are going the Utah way. https://www.azgfd.com/azgfd-offers-new-big-game-hunting-opportunities/
  5. CouesFanatic

    Saw this on Instagram...what’s your take?

    Threshold is the worst option. All the units will end up closing before we even get to the rut. No thanks. Time for a draw. I'd love to hunt all of January with my bow with very little pressure. I agree with mandatory reporting. I'm hoping the e-tag option will incorporate that into a one step process. Punching your tag electronically should be the reporting. This extra draw makes me wonder if they know they will be going to an archery deer draw and need the funds to make up for that loss.
  6. CouesFanatic

    2012 Hoyt Carbon Element

    60-70 pounds, 29 inch draw can be changed with a module. bump, still available
  7. CouesFanatic

    Towing Question for Toyota Tacoma owner

    I have a 2019 DCSB auto. Pulling a 4 seater ranger on flat ground I get 9mpg. It will do it, but it won't do it well. I tow a small trailer with a quad and it pulls that like nothing is there. If you don't tow much you will really like the truck. A tune works well to get rid of weird shifting issues.
  8. CouesFanatic

    New Draw

    Anyone put in yet? How was it?
  9. Leica 1600 rangefinder, works great, has signs of wear on case, glass is fair to good. SOLD Foxpro Inferno. Has scratches on remote screen, buttons need pushed pretty hard, good starter caller. SOLD
  10. CouesFanatic

    Leica 1600 Rangefinder, Foxpro Inferno

    sent you a message. Rangefinder pending Caller pending
  11. CouesFanatic

    2012 Hoyt Carbon Element

  12. CouesFanatic

    New Draw

    so will the other 8000 people. Odds will be very slim.
  13. CouesFanatic

    Was this the buffalo incident everone was talking about

    It's been a problem for years, hopefully the G&F can do something to resolve it. Until then I will keep putting in for Raymond instead. 3 guides in a small area who all think they own spots mixed with DIY guys is a recipe for disaster. Proof here that the issue wasn't cameras, it's the guides.
  14. CouesFanatic

    Muely or Coues

    trophyhunter's assessment of frequency I agree with, however, I'd take the Coues.
  15. CouesFanatic

    otc changes--> increase in trophy quality?

    Cutting out a few hunts will always increase trophy quality. More bucks get older.
  16. CouesFanatic

    how do these otc archery outfitters do it?

    Private land and locked public. Hunting harder than most and being out there more often.
  17. CouesFanatic

    Archery OTC Hunt Guidelines Webcast

    Threshold would be terrible. I can see each unit closing in December before the rut even kicks in. We wouldn't even make it to hunt the actual good rutting. I'm guessing they will leave it as is, but at this point I'd rather see the draw. I'd love to hunt all of January with limited tag holders.
  18. CouesFanatic

    2012 Hoyt Carbon Element

  19. CouesFanatic

    2012 Hoyt Carbon Element

  20. CouesFanatic

    Spring draw

    1 hit for us. A lot less tags than prior years
  21. CouesFanatic

    Finding Ammo

    What are you guys using to find ammo? It's been a while since I've needed to buy. I can't find 243 Win in stock anywhere.
  22. CouesFanatic

    2012 Hoyt Carbon Element

    Price Drop
  23. CouesFanatic

    WTB Rifle Scope 4-12 ish

    Looking for a newer 4-12 or similar Vortex, Leupold rifle scope. Have anything for sale?
  24. CouesFanatic

    WTB Rifle Scope 4-12 ish

    Thanks, I'll look at those. Any opinion on this? Trying to keep it simple on a kids rifle. https://www.leupold.com/vx-3hd-4-5-14x40-cds-zl-duplex
  25. CouesFanatic

    Youth hunt velvet

    Saw 18 bucks over the weekend. One had full velvet, the rest were mostly hard horned. Would love to get a velvet one like the one above. Congrats