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Everything posted by CouesFanatic

  1. CouesFanatic

    Still ruttin?

    I'm headed out friday for a weekend hunt. Will they still be rutting? Anyone?
  2. I am headed out tommorrow to do some bowhunting. Arn't coues in the dead middle of the rut? Anybody seen rittin lately?
  3. CouesFanatic

    Just a pic

    I shot him a year ago from november in unit 36A. Thanks for the replies.
  4. Not very big but oh well. Any Coues is a trophy. He is a old regress buck.
  5. CouesFanatic

    Just a pic

    I got him with a rifle. Well, opening morning my dad and I set up and glassed on a ridge only to find a few does and too many hunters. We hunted in the same area down a ridge or two that evening. We had about the same results. The next morning we decided to hunt a different area we had found while scouting. Before light we climbed up on the end of a ridge to glass a huge valley area. We glassed for about 25 minutes and didn't see much but a few trucks. All of a sudden 300 yards away there were two does moving through the ocotillo. We watched them for a minute and then went back to glassing. I was glassing and my dad looked back at the does. The does were gone and this buck was standing there looking at us ready to bolt. I got the gun ready and took the shot. We only needed one shot and he was down. A good ending to a father and son hunt.
  6. CouesFanatic

    deer pics

    Sorry for the rudeness. I could have stated that better.
  7. CouesFanatic

    deer pics

    I took video of this deer through a spotting scope. I don't have a connection from the video cam to the computer yet so I had to put it on the tv and take a picture of the screen. I am gunna buy the cords and program necessary to get still frames off the video but I haven't gotten to it yet. When I do, the pictures will be clearer and I will post them here.
  8. CouesFanatic

    deer pics

    Sorry Mike but your wrong. I have watched this exact deer for over 10 hours now. I'm not that stupid to not know he is a Coues.
  9. CouesFanatic

    CouesDeer Salt Lick

    Should I hunt over a salt lick? How often would the deer come in?
  10. CouesFanatic

    december hunters

    I also just got back cut I am hunting with my bow. Had a great day today. I spotted a 24 inch wide 4 by Muley. Salked him but spooked. In the afternoon I glassed up 2 does and a buck Coues. A small 3 by. I stalked them and they spooked as well. While looking for the Coues I ran into a nice muley probly 25 inches wide. 70 yards away, to far to shoot.
  11. CouesFanatic

    noisy deer!

    Dave, I have that can also. I don't know how it works in the field but i'm gunna try it this weekend. It is a very reliable call. It has a hole in the bottom so it won't call if you keep it in your pocket. You tip it over and cover the hole and it makes a bleat sound. It sounds pretty good to me. Let me know how it works for you this weekend. I'll let everyone know as well.
  12. First off do you live in AZ? If I were you I would try for a november or october tag. The december tag is more of a trophy tag and if you are happy with a 75 inch deer then I would try for the earlier hunt(its easier to get drawn) and get a Coues buck under your belt. As well as some experience with them. Pretty much any unit would be good. I'm betting all Coues units have some 80 + inch Coues. Good Luck
  13. CouesFanatic

    deer pics

    It is a Coues, but that bottom pic does make it look like a Muley. I am scouting up in 22 for the archery hunt. I have seen this guy twice now. I might go after him but I wannna find something bigger.
  14. CouesFanatic

    CouesDeer Salt Lick

    If I put it up Saturday the 21st do you think they will find it by the late hunt? I am using a bow