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Everything posted by CouesFanatic

  1. CouesFanatic


  2. CouesFanatic

    Swarovski Rifle Scope

  3. CouesFanatic

    Dillon Precision Reloader

    Bump. I'm willing to make someone a deal. If you are not interested in some parts, then I will give you a deal on the majority.
  4. CouesFanatic


    This is still available. I emailed a few people back but it is still here. thanks
  5. CouesFanatic

    Swarovski Rifle Scope

    $1250 OBO
  6. CouesFanatic

    2 for 2

    A friend and I had a pretty successful hunt and I thought you all would enjoy the pics. This is my third Coues but the first one over 60 or so inches. Its his first Coues. I shot mine opening day, one shot with my 300 ultra mag at 300 yards. His was shot with the same gun at 320 yards. We had a blast and can't wait to do it again. Mine: His:
  7. CouesFanatic

    Dillon Precision Reloader

    Price lowered to $1900 for everything.
  8. CouesFanatic

    First Coues hunt

    Why has it been so tough all over the state? Because of the weather?
  9. CouesFanatic

    Youth hunt: Tough past three days in 33

    I was down there getting ready for my hunt friday. Glass the wind protected sides a lot. I glassed up almost all the deer I saw on the east facing hills out of the wind. The wind has been strong for a few days.
  10. CouesFanatic

    Remington 700 Trigger

    I have a stock Remington 700 trigger if anyone is interested. It was pulled out of my 300 RUM by my gunsmith and replaced. $40
  11. CouesFanatic

    18 inch wide opening day success

    nice deer, now we all know where to go. lol
  12. CouesFanatic

    Ready to go!

    Good Luck. I know how you feel, my hunt starts the 26th. Have fun!
  13. CouesFanatic

    Big buck down

    Wow, that buck has it all. Thats what i'm looking for
  14. CouesFanatic

    Interesting buck

    I think you would put a coues tag on that deer you would be in serious trouble. The darker cape and ears are all muley. The white ring by the nose does look some like a whitetail. I'd say its just a young muley. I have seen lots of muleys with antlers like that.
  15. CouesFanatic

    Dad's 2010 opening morning buck!!!

    Wow!, that is one nice looking buck. Nice cape too.
  16. CouesFanatic

    300 RUM brass

    I have a bunch. How much are you looking for?
  17. CouesFanatic

    Lion spotted in Gilbert???

    What ever happened with this? Anyone know?
  18. CouesFanatic

    jeep wrangler 2004

    Would you consider selling just the hard top?
  19. CouesFanatic

    Vortex Viper Scope NIB

    Do you have any with the mil dot reticle?
  20. CouesFanatic

    Bullet drop compensating scope?

    You might want to look at vortex also. I have the Viper with bdc. I like it a lot better than the nikon. Those big circles cover up too much for me.
  21. CouesFanatic

    Unit 1

    Archery/sept? Got 3 in my fam. Lucky people, I wish it was me.
  22. CouesFanatic

    New DPMS AR-15

    you have a pm
  23. How do I calculate my odds for a hunt? I have 2 bonus points. I forget how to calculate my first and second point chances. If the hunt is, say 75% draw odds and I have two points. My two points is only really going to help if I am in the top bonus point group right? Besides having two chances in the initial pull. So is it incorrect to say that I have 150% chance to draw? If I have a 3 out of 4 chance two times that is still 6/8 or 75% chance. But I don't think that fairly represents my odds. What about my second choice if it is 80% draw? Someone review this with me. Being up at school in another state is making me forget this stuff. You know its bad when you cant remember main streets in the valley anymore! Thankfully i'll be back soon for good.
  24. CouesFanatic

    Calculating Draw odds

    I have messed with that but I don't think its correct. The draw odds printed in the Deer Regs don't give me the same percentage as MM does. MM odds with zero bonus points and resident should give me the same odds as the regs,right?, but they don't match.
  25. CouesFanatic

    GFD does it again!

    Anyone got a link for the online survey reporting?