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Everything posted by CouesFanatic

  1. CouesFanatic

    January 2023 archery buck

    looks like loud walking, tough to get in that close on ground like that
  2. CouesFanatic

    Draw Odds Question

    Can anyone explain to me why these new odds sheets make no sense? For every point level in every column, the number of residents is greater than the total of residents and non-residents. What am I missing here? If we look at 2 bonus points, First Choice Applicants column there were 588 residents and 10 non residents for a total of 387 first choice applicants with 2 points? Also, this hunt should have 300 tags. From what im seeing here 45 were allotted in the bonus pass and 197 during the 1-2 pass. Where are the other 58?
  3. CouesFanatic

    Unsuccessful hunter in 22S in 2022?

    Nobody said their experience isn’t as valuable. All I’m saying is that the people who have invested decades and thousands of dollars should have higher odds than they currently do. We don’t have enough sheep tags to go around, it’s time to relook at the system for oil species. Other states are limiting non res, waiting periods, selecting certain species only, etc. I’m all for habitat and population growth. That’s one good thing AZ has going for it
  4. CouesFanatic

    Unsuccessful hunter in 22S in 2022?

    The odds difference between 0 points and 30 points is virtually nothing. It amazes me that some of you think a guy waiting 40 years should have no edge on the newbies. The system we have raises virtually no increased odds until you get to the bonus point pass. Nevadas squared point system is a more fair way for sheep in AZ. 40 years is a lot of money and time invested. A 10 year old who has drawn only because his dad applied him has little interest, zero time invested and should have much less odds than the person who has applied 40 straight years. Our current system gives very little to the long term applicant until you hit the bonus point pass. We don't have to pick a side, how about we improve the draw system. A lot of states are making changes for once in a lifetime species, but unfortunately Arizona can't even get the website to work correctly.
  5. CouesFanatic

    Unsuccessful hunter in 22S in 2022?

    Theres still 20% random with my idea. What's not fair is a 10 year old non resident drawing a sheep tag their first year when we have hundreds of 65+ year old native Arizonans that have been waiting 35+ years. Other states are moving to a resident only option. Prioritize residents first and those who have waited longer. Our current system doesn't change the odds much from 0 points to 32 point then odds go up a lot once you hit the max pool. My odds at 24 points are no better than my 10 year olds with 0 points, thats not right. We either need to take more people off the top of the list or square the points. A lot of us will see our Dads never get a tag after putting in their whole life, what do you think it will be like for our kids, they have no chance.
  6. CouesFanatic

    Unsuccessful hunter in 22S in 2022?

    The solution for sheep is residents only and 80% of tags go to max points 20% random. That or square the points like Nevada. You want to hunt it, wait like the rest of us.
  7. CouesFanatic

    Tacoma parts

    which trim is this off? Sport, TRD off-road? Pro?
  8. CouesFanatic

    Black River Reports

    Ya that does look good. The problem is we have to cross the river 5-10 times a day. I don't really want to swim every time.
  9. CouesFanatic

    Worst Waste of Money

    New Mexico draw apps
  10. CouesFanatic

    Applying together point spread

    This is how I understand it as well.
  11. CouesFanatic

    Applying together point spread

    This is incorrect. The group is assigned one random number, its not 4 chances. The person with 2 points get assigned 2 random numbers. The lowest numbers get the tag and it goes up from there to see if tags are left.
  12. CouesFanatic


    It's not a rough road, just very loose moving rocks on a narrow road with a 500 foot cliff inches from the edge of your tire. Not my favorite.
  13. CouesFanatic


    Ya i've done that road a few times, every time I regretted it. How about the road east of East Sunset Mesa? Talk about butt puckering.
  14. CouesFanatic


    It's pretty rough right before the lake and past.
  15. CouesFanatic


    Did the road suck just as much back then? haha
  16. CouesFanatic

    In Reach?

    Also have the Inreach mini with no problems. Zoleo is cheaper.
  17. CouesFanatic

    Draw Odds Question

    That makes sense. They have it labeled for the whole column as applicants, but the applications idea seems right. And like you said the tag numbers drawn are off some. Thanks for the info
  18. CouesFanatic

    Coconino Road Closures

    They are still a few weeks from opening. I called them last week and they said early to mid may
  19. CouesFanatic

    Monsoon season 2023

    Last fall they said we were in for a dry winter. I don't trust anything these weather guys say. I'll believe it when it happens.
  20. CouesFanatic

    WTB Trolling Motor with Spot Lock

    Anyone have a bow mounted trolling motor with Spot Lock on it? Looking to pick one up this week.
  21. CouesFanatic

    WTB Trolling Motor with Spot Lock

    After the seventh love emoji, the picture of the pipe and random letters and numbers I figured you were messing with me. Then you are asking me for trades. I'm not interested
  22. CouesFanatic

    WTB Trolling Motor with Spot Lock

    I'm not interested in dealing with random pictures, texts and heart emojis that you have been sending me. I'll pass
  23. CouesFanatic

    WTB Trolling Motor with Spot Lock

    still looking. I dunno if t church is a scammer or what but he's sending me all sorts of weird stuff
  24. CouesFanatic

    Rim Lake Conditions

    Called Coconino and Apache Sigreaves today. Both said roads will open in early May. Hard to believe with it being 75 up there today.
  25. CouesFanatic

    WTB Trolling Motor with Spot Lock

    Id consider it yes. You have one?