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Everything posted by CouesFanatic

  1. CouesFanatic

    G&F commission voted unanimously to ban trail cams

    A rancher can gave grazing rights just as I can have hunting rights with my hunting license.Doesn't mean they have any say on anything.
  2. CouesFanatic

    G&F commission voted unanimously to ban trail cams

    huh? Cattle ranches own state trust land?
  3. CouesFanatic


  4. CouesFanatic

    5BS over the weekend

    I thought Long lake dried up like 5-6 years ago Google reviews says this a month ago: As a lake, terrible. It was basically a mud hole with about a foot of water in it.
  5. CouesFanatic

    G&F commission voted unanimously to ban trail cams

    But it says nothing about me running cameras and telling you where the 140 Coues lives. Too vague, not enforceable and going to open up a can of worms similar to Coconino's road closures nightmare. If we are going to change the way we hunt, lets do it properly or not at all.
  6. CouesFanatic

    G&F commission voted unanimously to ban trail cams

    Took the words out of my mouth. The truth is the commissioners are tired of hearing the complaints, that's why this passed 5-0. They keep repeating themselves that they are tired of dealing with it. If this was about disrupting game, they would ban hunting on water, or reduce hunter tags.
  7. CouesFanatic

    G&F commission voted unanimously to ban trail cams

    Less cameras = more tags=more $$$$$$
  8. CouesFanatic

    Friday in Payson Trail Cameras

    I missed the meeting. When does it take affect?
  9. CouesFanatic

    Another fire near Superior

  10. CouesFanatic

    Sticker buck part II

    Wanna help me shoot him in December?
  11. CouesFanatic

    Teardrop Trailer for hunting/fishing?

    I like the small hard walled trailers for one or two people. I'm not a fan of the jumping jack trailers for the price. Its like sleeping in a $600 kodiak canvas on a trailer. 8K on a jumping jack has never seen worth it to me. For 8K you can get a utility trailer for 2K, a Kodiak Canvas tent for 600 and a quad with the rest of the money.
  12. They all need to. Too many people being careless. Like the person on the 60 last weekend, starting a fire at 10am in the middle of a dead grass field in the wind.
  13. CouesFanatic

    Bison reduction project

    What does this mean?
  14. CouesFanatic

    WTB compound bow 70lb@29”

    I have a black Hoyt carbon element 29 inch draw 60-70 pound bow I'd sell. Has a drop away rest, tight spot quiver, spot Hogg 5 pin slider sight. Would sell together or bare bow.
  15. CouesFanatic

    Motivate Ducey

  16. CouesFanatic

    ISO bow for a buddy

    Ive got a Hoyt Carbon Element I'd sell. 60-70 pounds 29 inch draw
  17. CouesFanatic

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    Can anyone explain me this? 4A, 6A, 17A, 20A, 22 and a lot of other units will now not be available to archery hunt in December or January, only in August. Why are these hunts not going to draw when units like 7 or 11M? Seems like the dec/jan is going to disappear and the august/sept hunts go to draw (see units 1, 27, 2ABC, 3a/3c). So this means in a few years there will be no dec/jan archery hunts? Why don't they convert the dec/jan hunts to draw instead of eliminating them?
  18. CouesFanatic

    New WR Non-typical P&Y

    World Record and still can't take a decent picture
  19. CouesFanatic

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    Exactly, what are they doing in 33? I'm happy to see tag reduction but that's pretty aggressive. Curious to see how this goes.
  20. CouesFanatic

    ITS ON!!!!!!

    I got a hit, no jokes
  21. CouesFanatic

    Unit 23n early hunt outfitter

    You don't need a guide in that unit
  22. CouesFanatic

    ITS ON!!!!!!

    I got a charge and no portal changes yet
  23. CouesFanatic

    I heard the hits are coming.

    You used 7 points on that hunt?
  24. CouesFanatic

    Card Hit

  25. CouesFanatic

    Black River Small Mouth

    Are they still requiring a covid test within 72 hours?