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About CouesFanatic

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  1. CouesFanatic

    WTB Vehicle 3rd Row Seating

    I would take a hard look at a Toyota Highlander or Grand Highlander.
  2. CouesFanatic

    Corner Crossing

    I'm glad. There is a lot of locked land that the public should have access to. Corner crossing should be legal nation wide.
  3. CouesFanatic

    12' aluminum boat and trailer Sold

    If they back out let me know. I'm interested.
  4. CouesFanatic


  5. CouesFanatic


    Price Drop
  6. CouesFanatic

    Suppressor Thoughts?

    Do it. You can get some decent ones for 5-600.
  7. CouesFanatic


    weekend bump
  8. CouesFanatic


    Queen Creek
  9. CouesFanatic


  10. CouesFanatic

    Wtb 223 brass

    I have probably 500 or so once fired
  11. CouesFanatic

    Crossbow permit repeal

    Because it's not fraud. If you read the game and fish definitions for a crossbow permit and even a champ permit, they are wide open. Anyone with a failed muscle test can get a crossbow permit. Anyone with arthritis can get a champ tag. It's their own fault, they need to tighten up the restrictions by definition not drop the whole program all together. It's not abusing the system when the requirements are very low.
  12. CouesFanatic

    Elk points

    120 have 26. He's got 180 people ahead of him. If he's a resident that changes things though. 16 residents with 26 and 27 residents higher than that. https://azgfd-portal-wordpress-pantheon.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/17132601/2024-Fall-Individual-Bonus-Point-Report.pdf
  13. CouesFanatic

    DIY Home Pesticides

    Been using Cy-kik off Amazon. Works well. Theres a lot of commercial looking brands just like it.
  14. CouesFanatic

    2025 Archery DIY

    Did you get a tag this morning? The non-res tags are sold out.
  15. CouesFanatic

    Campaign Signs

    Do you want handouts=Harris Do you believe in making your own income and the American Dream=Trump