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Everything posted by PatrickJr

  1. PatrickJr

    Mexico deer is back

    yes, he is 95 gross
  2. PatrickJr

    World Record???

    Wow, that must have been a while ago. Even I don't remember that. my dad remembers when it was bank to bank and 2-3 ft deep. he also said that there was northern pike in it.
  3. PatrickJr


    nice buck, only group we saw that had 1 buck..... nice one, same one as below....was running with 10 bucks and 1 doe. 3 cows a few decent bulls, sorry for crappy photo 12 mule deer does right at the end of light, pics was at 20x and it gathered plenty of light. thanks everyone for the nice words!!!!
  4. PatrickJr


    antelope count is up to 100+ and we saw 13 elk and 12 mule deer on our way up to Flagstaff, went went thru Long Valley. we saw 7 bulls in velvet and there was 1 real nice one, but not fully grown. will post pics later. i would but i have a shooting competition tomorrow and i need to get to bed!!!
  5. PatrickJr

    Big sweets or....

    Willhunt4coues and AZP&Y have been posting about big sweets for yrs. Couesilla I believe is the buck taken with the auction hunter with Mullins. and are Willhunt4coues and AZP&Y competeing for this deer or ar they buddies in a joint effort to harvest him, if he is still alive??? and what year was the auction hunter with Mullins??? i know that the auction hunter last year was with Mossback.....thanks for the help!
  6. PatrickJr

    Big sweets or....

    ok, so that is sweets....how does so many people know about him??? im confused. and what does "couesilla" look like???
  7. PatrickJr

    Recent Jaguar Pics and other critters down south

    sorry to rain on your parade, but i am pretty sure that what you think is a jaguar is a bobcat....my reasoning..... 1. The tail of that animal is far too short in order to be a jaguar, a jaguars tail is at least as long as a mountain lions..... 2. the picture of the "jaquar" is taken in the same spot as the bear and lions, correct???? look at the size comparison between the "jaguar" and the lion. a jaguar normally weighs from 124-211 lbs....and mountain lions average 137 lbs. from the looks of that "jaguar" it is about 20 lbs (max) and guess what the average bobcat weight is......15 lbs. 3. as you cam see below the difference of tail length between a jag and a bobcat. you have a bobcat sir.... and it is a mighty fine bobcat, it does have spots that look like they could be on a jag....but is still a bobcat..... bobcat jaguar mtn. lion
  8. PatrickJr

    Tuesday Coues Day!!!

    a broken-off buck (just above the eye guard, on the main beam), i wish i knew of the buck that did this to him....might have him but you never know for sure. hope you all enjoy!
  9. PatrickJr

    What is this??

    these are all my possible guesses, so you tell me what it is??? coaitimundi- Raccoon-- skunk-- Porcupine- my guess is porcupine or raccoon.....leaning towards porcupine.
  10. PatrickJr

    destruction of a beautiful spring...

    in addition to this.... I have witnessed, first hand, that deer arent as affected as some may think. on a ranch in mexico where i hunt, there is a natural spring, that maximum is 4sq.ft. whenever the cattle(or horses) come in, they drink it dry, and it easily takes 6-8 hours to refill (if left alone). these deer are extremely smart! whenever they hear or sense that some cattle/horses are coming, they run to the water so that they get some before its gone... my buddy learned this the hard way because he shot 2 coyotes from a blind with his bow and went to go drag them off when he heard the cattle.....he glanced up to see 2 bucks running into the water and he is outside of the blind!!! he ended up shooting one...but my point is that the deer might adapt like these deer have. i can prove my point with trail camera photos....most of the time deer are at the spring, cattle follow. My friend and i were going to pick up the camera, and we were talking fairly loud and making a bunch of noise. we came around the corner, and 3 deer spook off the spring. what does this mean???? this means that they heard us, thought we were cattle and rushed in to get water...... people, deer arent simply pushed out of an area because of cattle, they adapt to live with they cattle. cattle arent like neighborhoods....if anything we are to blame for making deer populations suffer....cattle are just bigger, less aggressive javelinas to the deer....cattle dont make it impossible for the deer to live there, just a little tougher...
  11. PatrickJr

    your thoughts?!?!?! part 2!!!!!

    thanks everyone! thanks for the explanation too, Amanda!
  12. i saw you and 2 big toy haulers.....we drove by in the white ford, then stopped at the pavement and switched drivers.....
  13. PatrickJr

    Little white pickup on Willow Springs

    sweet.....we just spent the morning and saw a couple deer and a black coachwhip as i was driving out..
  14. PatrickJr

    Little white pickup on Willow Springs

    cool does he have the cwt sticker on the bottom of his back window and the sticker is red/orangeish
  15. PatrickJr

    your thoughts?!?!?! part 2!!!!!

    this camera doesn't take the best night pictures, and there isn't any options to change the shuttle speed..... sorry he belongs to my father or I........ we both want to get it really bad.
  16. PatrickJr

    which pack is the best all around for hunting?

    i would go with the outdoorsmans and don't look back!!!!! you can take off the bag and pack out meat with just the frame and the pouch that is attached to the frame or you can put everything in the bag.....i put a coues deer (gutted) inside my bag, whole, not butchered,and packed it out..... it is a great pack....very versatile and will suit just about every need. i put my tripod in 1 side pouch and my dad 85mm spotter in the other and then. one very useful, yet rarely spoken of feature is the knobs on the top corners of the frame that when carrying a rifle allow you to put the sling over them, and it takes all the weight of the rifle off your shoulder....everybody knows how annoying it is when you constantly have to keep pulling that sling back on your shoulder.....this will never happen when using this feature...... shown below...the rifle inst on it but you can see the knob hope this helps!!!!!!
  17. PatrickJr

    Same Buck?

    stop the video at the 6 second mark and look at the shape that the left g2 and g3 make in comparison to each other....if that makes sense look at how the left main beam turns and what not.......this is the same buck......you kinda have to imagine the other side of the antler.... its the same deer! prove me wrong guys!
  18. PatrickJr

    Same Buck?

    definitely thats a beast!
  19. PatrickJr

    Can we get hoodies made????

    i say camo with tan lettering.......just my opinion may not be possible because yo may not be able to get good camo sweatshirts at a good price
  20. PatrickJr

    Would you take your kids to hunt down south?

    a few years ago, i guess that i was like 9 or 10 my dad and i were hunting in 36a for javelina in the spring. we hiked up this giant peak, and i happened to look back at the truck (which was still in sight from the top of this hill) and i saw this purple thing sitting in the ground in the shade of our truck. i thought i left a bag outside of the truck! i couldnt tell what it was with my 8x binos..... my dad looked and it was an illegal sitting in the shade of out truck with his water jug next to him.... we watched this guy walk around our truck checking to see if any doors were unlocked and he even stroked the inside of the bumpers and the tops of the tires, looking for the keys!!! we also watched him as he cupped his hands around his eyes as he peered thru the windows looking for valuables that would be worth him breaking in..... my dad was yelling at him from hundreds of yards away and he definitely heard my dad, but still persisted... so my dad fired a few shots into a tree near the truck.....sometime in all these events we called bp and gave them our coordinates.... not 5 minutes before bp arrived, the guy took off. the officer insisted on us coming off the hill so that he could distinguish our tracks from the illegals (which was ok because our hunt was blown anyways....). the officer tracked the guy (without dogs) and caught him........ i believe in bp, and that they try their darnedest to catch these illegals, i always am hunting in the 36s and always will..... this event didnt scare me, it taught me to be more aware/cautious and to respect the fact that if i want to hunt down south that the illegals are part o the equation and i need to adapt to it in order to stay safe... just my .02
  21. PatrickJr

    Good News!!!

    I got to wondering about the Catalina bighorn sheep and i said to myself "gosh, i haven't heard a word about them in a while. so i went to the ADBSS website as was happy to read this......... No mortalities occurred during this reporting period(4/14/14-4/27/14). The original release of 31 sheep consisted of 21 adult females or ewes, three yearling/juvenile ewes, five adult males or rams, and two yearling/juvenile rams. Thirty of the released sheep were outfitted with satellite GPS collars to provide managers with up to date information to help make adaptive, data-driven decisions. As of April 27, 2014, 13 of the remaining 14 collared sheep are known to be alive; one of the collars maybe malfunctioning. To date there have been 16 bighorn sheep mortalities. Fourteen of the sheep were killed by mountain lions, one died as the result of predation by an unidentified cat such as a small mountain lion or a bobcat, and another died from myopathy. To date, three lions associated with bighorn sheep kills have been removed, and the most recent of these lions was believed to have killed multiple sheep. and in addition.....To date five lambs have been observed during this season. as i go further back into older updates.....a sheep death has not occurred since march 17!!!! for any more info that i did not supply for you go to.... http://www.adbss.org/catalina_restoration_project.html
  22. PatrickJr

    your thoughts?!?!?!

    just got this pic, i cant tell if it is a Coati Mundi or a Badger?????? this is the only picture i got, the date and time are off it is around willow springs if that helps....Thanks!!!
  23. PatrickJr

    spot the head

    wow thats a tough one!!!!!!
  24. PatrickJr

    your thoughts?!?!?!

    here you go....this is just my latest stuff in an area with just about only jackrabbits and coyotes.....i get hundreds of jack photos....i need to go thin them out.