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Everything posted by PatrickJr

  1. PatrickJr

    Broc's Giant Velvet Coues

    it went for 25k last year and 34k this year. that deer probably ended up being 33k with the guide service and mount. that is a beautiful mount and i am too happy to see such a great animal mounted life size.
  2. this is now at the top of my list.. a cow screwed with my camera and it was tipped down. all i got for 4 days was kangaroo rats and this red racer. i missed pigs and a bobcat at my salt at the very least....bummer but how many of you have gotten snakes on your trailcam?
  3. PatrickJr


    just before the login page, the red lettering that used to say " the bonus points shown are from the Elk and lope draw" has now changed to the bps shown are after the fall draw!!!!! keep checkin
  4. PatrickJr

    Guns for sale

    i can vouch for the 686 silver pigeon. they are fantastic guns and my competition gun is just like the one being sold. they are great, never had any problems with it, and i have close to 15,000 round through mine. and i just got 2nd place at the SCTP nationals with it. not to hijack the thread or anything. if you want a great gun for comp. or even bird hunting, this is the gun for you and at a smokin price!
  5. PatrickJr


    i freaking love it!!!!!!!!! 2 years in a row! both years the pigs tags are tag #5!!!!
  6. PatrickJr


    just got rejected from it.
  7. PatrickJr


    they just took down the elk and lope results!!!! getting closer!!!
  8. PatrickJr

    They're growing!

    Hijack.jpg the original poster is my dad.....so....
  9. PatrickJr

    They're growing!

    Awesome! Thwack!!! he is so weird! he looks like he hasnt shed the right side. and he may still grow something like the other side.
  10. PatrickJr

    They're growing!

    what do you guys think of this buck? date is correct
  11. PatrickJr

    What shotgun to buy?

    i got a Benelli M2 for $500 at Murphys, lightly used. i would go see what they've got
  12. PatrickJr

    critters, sheds and a dead head

    id rather see the gila monster and the tiger snake than find sheds, unless they are like 120" coues. I love that tiger, what terrian do they tend to live in? It just shot to the top of my list of want-to-sees, besides a gila. i havent found a gila.....and i have been hiking alot in an area my dad sees them a lot.
  13. not a shoulder mount but i am so proud of him i feel compelled to show him....Mr. Van Winkle did the work for me and i am happy.....this is the deer that was featured in the June issue of NRA's American Hunter
  14. PatrickJr

    Covert Scouting Cameras

    yes you are putting the tape on the sensor not the lens, but when you cut down on that sensitivity, arent you more likely to miss an animal runnning by?? do you get what i am asking, its hard to explain by typing...
  15. PatrickJr

    Covert Scouting Cameras

    so do you just tape the left and right sides, or do you make a little border around the whole sensor. if so what width is the tape? and do you have ny problems with animals running by and only getting tails/butts? and is it best to do this even when setting it over water? Thanks!
  16. PatrickJr

    Covert Scouting Cameras

    I am still learning my camera, i have it set on High currently. i am doing this to see what the difference is between the # of pics i get on high, normal, low. One other thing i suggest is utilizing the Start-Stop feature, you can have the camera hibernate during the time of day that nothing is moving (except the trees) and the wind is the strongest. but my problem is that idk if animals(coues) will be moving during midday in the fall. i may need to experiment with the electrical tape and spot using the Start-stop!
  17. PatrickJr

    your thoughts?!?!?! part 2!!!!!

    some of you may remember part 1 and how i couldnt identify an animal..http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/48829-your-thoughts/...the picture is here.... and after i got that i went and set up another camera over a hole thati found that looked to be a badgers....and this is what i got... so the final ruling is that it is a BADGER!!!!!!! i also got this guy....first javelina we've gotten on this piece of property. 7 hours later i got my first bobcat!!!! he looks huge....i had to convince myself that this was a bobcat and not a spotted lion with a chopped off tail! just kidding i knew right away that it was a bobcat..... and of course a coyote! always get them...... so this tells me where i will be calling come this fall! fyi this is just a sequel to my 1st topic and i am sorry for the blurry photos
  18. PatrickJr

    World Record???

    yes, just a $120 little canon.....it is really hard to get a good photo on a high power. i am hoping to get a Tines Up adapter soon.
  19. PatrickJr

    World Record???

    as some of you may know, i was up north this weekend for a shoot, and i posted photos of elk/lope/deer i saw. today we drove home and wanted to possibly see more elk. we were driving past Mormon lake when i saw 4 figures on the opposing side of the lake. we stopped and i confirmed that they were elk. as i was setting up the tripod, my buddy said "Holy crap, there is a sh*tload of elk out there!!!" we looked closer and the shore of the lake was speckled with elk. Some of you may have seen them, if you were at that 3D shoot. we counted 166 elk!!!! now i understand there isnt a world record for animals in an elk herd, but it is probably the largest i will ever see. i also may have missed some elk... here are some photos i took. the elk were about 1 mile away, and i got 2 cows walking across the lake. all photos were taken from the highway, through our Vortex Viper 20x60x85 and a crappy handheld camera, no adapter (yet). please tell me if you saw this giant elk herd. i will be getting this photo framed.... some cows... and more cows/ bulls, no big bulls, just rags as far as i could see.
  20. PatrickJr


    We were up in the Chino Valley, and as i always am, i am looking for critters..... we saw 1 group of 6 lop just off the highway. then we went to our hotel and started to look for a possible Lunch location when i look off to my right, past some building about 600 yards out and see the glowing white butt of an antelope. we pull into a parking lot and i pull out our new spotter to test it out and there is 1 decent buck and a 4 incher...i wasnt satisfied, so i went up a birm and looked for more. we saw a few more....then we looked around a building in front of us and a flood gate had opened! there was a windmill with a tank and the lope were pouring into this mini-basin. we 3 shooter bucks in this group. 19 total bucks....yes 19 bucks! in this group!!!! 29 total lope. after they watered and some sparred a bit, they went to the base of the hill, out of sight. so we crested the hill and they all gathered in this area with some plant, that was green. one buck started to approach us. this all made my day! i have never seen such small fawns. they had trouble getting to water, unfortunately. we decided to swing by the spot after dinner and these lope had moved only 1/2 mile in 7 hours. it is like a large enclosure... we got to 125 yards of the whole group and they werent bothered too much. so the 1 lope i saw turned int 29! we ended up seeing 40 on the day. my buddy, Canyon, and I getting burned.....i was too excited to grab my hat. shooter #1 on the right and an up and comer on the left. left one is the one that approached us #1 in the back, note that green vegetation. are those this years fawns??? chooter #1!!!! mr, show-off also picture above #1 different view #2.... if you have an archery tag for the unit to the west of AZ 89 near Chino Valley, i can help you out....they look like they come to this tank everyday and you can be guaranteed a shot, if not a 75 incher!!! we dont have any tags but still love lookin at lope!!! these pics were taken thru that spotter at maximum 300 yards, and we hope to see some elk tomorrow near flagstaff.
  21. PatrickJr

    your thoughts?!?!?! part 2!!!!!

    i hopefully will get him this fall....my dad (280rem) graduated from Wisconsin so he is partial to badgers....but i have no affiliation. are they hard to call in??? i probably could trap him, his hole is like 5 feet to the left of my camera and he seems to come by fairly often....
  22. saw you going east on Ajo towards Kinney on saturday with the sticker on your windshield, i thought that i saw another truck a couple cars in front of you with the sticker.....
  23. PatrickJr

    Few good lion pictures recently

    a few????? try a lot!!!! good????? try fricking awesome!!!!!! man, hit me up! i wanna hunt with you!
  24. PatrickJr

    Mexico deer is back

    Yes it was in mexico. I hunted with a couple buddies....Albert, Mark, Tyler, another Mark, Ernie, and Dan.... it was such a fun hunt! my driver was a little nuts... oh now i remember!! you were there too, Bobby! sorry i totally forgot about you.... Thanks for driving me, letting me use your rifle, and just putting up with my nonsense! cant wait for next year!
  25. PatrickJr

    Mexico deer is back

    Thanks! I have a 107 that should be back in july from my taxi in new mexico....im getting excited