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About WhipRanger

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  • Birthday 07/01/1978

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  • Location
    SW Nebraska
  • Interests
    Hunting, Shed hunting, Offroading

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  1. WhipRanger

    Are coues deer in trouble?

    I would love to see a reduction in rifle tags but I think guys who didn’t get a tag would get an archery tag so. Either they’re shooting my deer or are in my way LOL.
  2. WhipRanger

    Are coues deer in trouble?

    Technology is definitely hurting all hunting but the sheer number of Coues rifle tags is ridiculous. We can definitely see a difference the years when the gun hunters have a good harvest on Coues. I’ve hunted Coues almost every year since 1996 and my dad has never missed a year since I think 1987. And I remember how good it was way back then it got really bad. When you could still shoot does. While I believe one of the best things AZGF ever did was close the Coues doe harvest I also believe it has caused the archery success rate to increase dramatically.. Back in the day all the Coues where scared to death and sharp, now the does will stand around the road. Which gives the road hunter a huge advantage when a mature buck in rut will just stand there and stare at the doe who isn’t running from the truck anymore. I know road hunting isn’t legal but we see lots of guys just cruising all day looking to shoot off the road.
  3. WhipRanger

    Are coues deer in trouble?

    123 2/8”
  4. WhipRanger

    Are coues deer in trouble?

    Hopefully this wasn’t the last mature buck in the unit
  5. WhipRanger

    Are coues deer in trouble?

    I would agree that buck numbers were down. While I did luck out and kill a giant the rest our group only saw 3 bucks 65”+
  6. WhipRanger

    Guessing game! What's your guess?

    I think every element you listed affects when they are lost. Which really sucks when your trying to plan a shed hunting trip. Friends of mine in Wis. start picking them up in Dec. and Ive already heard of a few in Co. loosing them, but here in Ne. they are still glued on quite well and generally carry for another month. As for temp I believe that the colder harder weather makes them drop sooner. A few years back before the die off in Co. in another cold and reasonably hard winter I found most of my sheds in late Jan, when on normal years early March was the best. As for your dates in a normal year I'd say your right on.