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Everything posted by Win264

  1. Win264

    Anyone have one of these Stockys Stocks?

    I have 2 Stocky stocks both are Medalist ultra lite, one for SA REM 700,and LA WIN Mdl 70 Mag and im buying another one for a rifle I'm building, not what you are looking at but another alternative. I like them, no complaints functionally and very affordable.
  2. I'm looking to get the non permit archery tag for deer in January 2016, I've checked the Regs and don't see where I can purchase it before January 1 online, do I need to go to a G&F Dept, or retailer? Your help with would be appreciated. Thanks!
  3. Win264

    OTC 2016 Archery deer tag

    Yup, grey that s what I'm beginning to think, I just wanted to find out and possibly get it out of the way. I appreciate everyone's help! Thank You!
  4. Win264

    OTC 2016 Archery deer tag

    I did see the form you mention on AZGF website and wondered if that was possible , I'll look into it, Thank You!!
  5. Win264

    SC Rez Malay Gap hunt help

    I noticed in previous years that tags sold on the SC Rez 1st come 1st serve, and that it was changed to a draw this year, so I applied as I do for a couple of the other state draws, not really expecting to be drawn.... normally just getting a preference point, well this year I was successful...... I drew the 1st Malay Gap elk hunt. I am hoping to find out about the possibility of doing this as a DIY hunt, also if I did want to go with a guide are there are any that you would recommend, I don't know a lot about the hunt or the area but I plan and will, make a trip or 2 out to do some scouting, if any one has done this hunt or knows someone who has, and wanted to let me know what quality animal I could expect to see, places that allow camping, problems I may encounter, or any other information....I would appreciate it. I know that I can't use an ATV or have anyone hunt with me other than a Rez guide, so if there is anyone that does pack outs.....anything would be appreciated and hopefully I can return the courtesy some time!
  6. Win264

    SC Rez Malay Gap hunt help

    I'm not going to to apply this year and probably not next year, if you go..... DIY! pm if you are thinking about it
  7. Any buddy have any experience with Deep 6 fixed broad heads? I'm looking to get the Slick Trick but they aren't out yet.... that's what I've been told by the suppliers. Whatever info you have will be appreciated! Thanks!
  8. Win264

    Deep 6 Fixed Broadheads

    I emailed ST and they expect to start shipping by the end of the month,
  9. I'm looking for advise on what fletching you are using with micro diameter arrows with fixed broad heads. I have the Easton Deep 6 injexion micro diameter FMJ arrows. I'm using blazers for my field points. On my GT'S I use 4" feathers with right helical for my fixed blade now but Im thinking this might be more than I need for the Eastons. Let me know what works for you.
  10. Thanks for the info, I have some ST Deep 6 magnums coming this week, I'll try them with the Blazers I have on the arrows now and if that doesn't work I'll try the feathers.PAC 8541 PM sent
  11. Win264

    Bow press

    I'm thinking about getting a bow press, I have a Mathews Helim, I'm not wanting break the bank and I'd like something doesn't take up a lot of space all the time. any suggestions on what I should get?
  12. Win264

    Bow press

    Found an excellent linear DIY press on AT as you suggested by 92 safari going to build one....thanks again for the info
  13. Win264

    Bow press

    Thanks for the info, the bow press is an excellent tool, I will be getting one for when I'm out hunting and shooting emergencies etc. I'm looking for something for the shop. I have seen the ones by last chance archery on AT ...... Is there a particular model you would recommend?
  14. I have the Spot Hogg SDP sight with wrap, I want to change 2 of my sight pins, the 70 yd and 80 yd pins from .019 to .010, I can buy the pins and fiber. Has any one done this or have any knowledge of this. I can send it back to the manufacture for the change out but I'm wondering if I can do this myself.
  15. FYI for any one wanting to change out pins on Spot Hogg, I purchased the bullet proof pins installed them myself, unscrew the pin, pull the pin and fiber out of plastic sheath, install new fiber in plastic sheath and screw pin on, be careful of the wire when removing pin.
  16. Win264

    wild pig. N. California?

    Here is a picture of the boar I killed on Twisselman ranch, Nolan is on the right.
  17. Win264

    wild pig. N. California?

    Here you go www.nolantwisselmanoutfitters.com
  18. Win264

    wild pig. N. California?

    Yes he has a website, he does Tule elk hunts also, if you don't find it send me a pm
  19. Win264

    SC Rez Malay Gap hunt help

    I think this was the first year they did a draw, it was 1st come 1st serve before, I think! I didn't see any draw odds, and there were only 5 non tribal member tags for the Sept 1-15 hunt. They may be available but you would need to contact the Rez.
  20. Win264

    wild pig. N. California?

    rcdinaz is correct Tejon Ranch is a great hunt I've been twice, once guide with 2 friends and we killed 3 hogs, once DIY with my son and we killed 2 hogs. There are only certain weekends that they allow DIY hunting and it's not year round. Guided is more frequent, I don't go anymore because of the fee 900.00-1000.00 guided includes everything, 500.00-600.00 includes nothing, you can camp on the ranch in a designated area or there are motels and Restaurants close by in Frazier Park. Twisselman is about as good a deal as you will find.
  21. Win264


    I would get the arrows that fit your set up, I use G/T 7595 Pro Hunter, and use Slick Trick 100 Magnums same POI as my field points and are lethal check out their website.
  22. Win264

    wild pig. N. California?

    Nolan Twisselman is in Santa Margarita couple hours south of where you will be, private land, no high fence 600.00 includes guide game care, lodging,.....meals not included. I hunted with him in Dec 13,my son came home on leave I called him with no notice and last minute and he fit us in. We both killed hogs mine was a BIG boar. Public land hog hunts with reasonable odds of success are hard to find, Ft Hunter Ligget is an option but the hogs are smart because they are hunted a lot and you need to plan well in advance with the military. With out the ability to scout and only being able to hunt the weekends on the base really limit your odds of success. Hope this helps.
  23. The serving on my Helim is being shredded at the roller guard, this will be the second time I've had it re-served because of this. Anyone else hear of this or have this happen to them?
  24. Update, I dropped off my bow at the dealer who repaired it the first time, he agreed that it should not be doing this. Mathews had sent him some new roller guards so he is going to install a new roller guard and new bow string, no charge, I should have it back by next weekend. Just FYI!