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Everything posted by Win264

  1. Thanks for getting back to me, I'm taking it in today to see if I can get it repaired. I did a search and it appears that others have had the same problem and Mathews has been very good about taking care of it.
  2. I bought mine in sept of 12, this will be the second time I've had it re-served, and the first time it was at a Mathews dealer.
  3. Win264

    SC Rez Malay Gap hunt help

    I wanted thank all of you for the info you gave me, it has really helped and I'm really looking forward to Sept. Hopefully I'll be able to get some time off and get some boots on the ground scouting, again thank you very much! I hope your draws or plans are successful. I'll keep you posted. Mike
  4. Wyoming draw results were posted today, I was unsuccessful but, not too disappointed as I have a tag for San Carlos Rez. Can't be greedy. Hope you got drawn
  5. Win264

    SC Rez Malay Gap hunt help

    He's a bruiser! Awesome bull Hoss! I have the first hunt Sept 1-15, when did you take your bull?
  6. Win264

    SC Rez Malay Gap hunt help

    Will do on the fuel!! I have a diesel....and have a 80 gal tank in the bed, plus 38 in the tank. What would be closest place foe diesel....San Carlos? I received my permit for the hunt today. I was told that there is no camping north of Rd 1900 to the east boundary but camping is allowed on Rd 2000 north, do you know if that's all the time or just during the elk hunts?
  7. Win264

    SC Rez Malay Gap hunt help

    Thanks Swivelhead for the confirmation on the chains and the info, good to hear you have seen elk and sign in the area. I've heard there is a small resident herd there, but I've also heard that since the fire some of the elk from WM moved over and didn't go back. I also heard there were some good elk taken last year. I'm plan to do a recon before the season opens and also to get there a few days early and hunt all 15 days if that's what it takes. We'll see!
  8. Win264

    New to Cousewhitetail

    Hello my name is Mike and I'm new to the forum, and wanted to introduce myself, I have hunted, fished and practiced shooting off and on most of my life but not as much as I would have liked. I have recently taken up archery and I really enjoy it, and I harvested my first Mule deer in New Mexico this year. I got interested in this forum some time ago while I was doing some info gathering on Couse deer hunting and indian Reservation hunting. I have found that there is a lot of very experienced and dedicated hunters on this forum. I had noticed in previous years that tags sold on the SC Rez 1st come 1st serve, and that it was changed to a draw this year so I put in, as I do for many of the other state draws, normally just getting a preference point, we'll this year I was successful.....for the first time on the 1st Malay Gap elk hunt. I am hoping to find out about the possibility of doing this as a DIY hunt, also if I decide to go with a guide if there are any that you would recommend, I don't know a lot about the hunt or the area but I plan to make a trip or 2 out to do some scouting, if any of you have done this hunt or know someone who has and wanted to let me know what quality animal I could expect to see, places that allow camping, problems a May encounter, or any other useful information I would appreciate it. Mike
  9. Win264

    SC Rez Malay Gap hunt help

    Yea..... I didn't mention it was in Sept.....my bad! Do you have any experience or knowledge about the Sept hunt? Anything and everything is welcome!
  10. Win264

    SC Rez Malay Gap hunt help

    Thanks for the info, all of it is good! I hadn't thought about the chains but I have seen it rain in Sept in Az. Sounds like there are elk in the area, with the possibility of a boomer. Thanks I appreciate it!
  11. Win264

    New to Cousewhitetail

    Thanks for the welcome and advise........and spell check, LOL!
  12. Win264

    New Mexico landowner tag

    Beaverhead outfitters has landowner tags if you don't draw. I hunted with him on a late archery mule deer this past January, I had a great hunt, he has elk hunts in the Gila, and It should fit your budget. Jack and Kaye Diamond own and operate it. Hope it helps!
  13. Win264

    titans 390" rifle bull.
