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Everything posted by MathewQuigly

  1. MathewQuigly

    Strange pics

    I figure this is fake but had to share it. It freaked my wife out
  2. MathewQuigly

    Strange pics

    I kinda fig it was fake just thought it was interesting the deer was looking that way
  3. MathewQuigly

    Any missing

    Thank you for the replies, it's upsetting that nothing can be left alone.
  4. MathewQuigly

    Yellowjacket Creek unit 21

    Anyways Yellow Jacket has fond memories. It was the last place in the 90s for a family reunion that most of my aunts and uncles were at. All lot have passed since then but when I see the place I can still remember the fun and love that was abundant
  5. MathewQuigly

    Yellowjacket Creek unit 21

    I hope your wrong Bob I really do
  6. MathewQuigly

    Yellowjacket Creek unit 21

    Yes sir it was a good ride worth doing again
  7. MathewQuigly


    That's a good problem
  8. MathewQuigly


    Your my hero congrats
  9. MathewQuigly

    Yellowjacket Creek unit 21

    Endangered snake really. It the snake isn't smart enough to survive then it needs to be extinct That was a nice sight to camp hope they don't close
  10. MathewQuigly


    Nothing yet anticipation is a killer
  11. MathewQuigly

    Cow bugle

    Bahahahahahahaha we all do at times
  12. MathewQuigly

    Cow bugle

    Are they confused about the bathroom also?
  13. MathewQuigly

    Gotta love this "new" Nation

    That's what he said
  14. MathewQuigly

    Gotta love this "new" Nation

    The corruption is deep and honor is dead in America
  15. MathewQuigly

    OTC tags

    the elk tags are for the designated areas but you can hunt any of them that are open in the regs. That's great I was hoping you didn't have to buys tag for each unit
  16. MathewQuigly

    OTC tags

    Are the tags unit specific, or can you change areas as long as the unit is open?
  17. MathewQuigly

    Bears in the Pinals

    Is there water in there
  18. MathewQuigly

    Bears and Water

    Nice bear
  19. MathewQuigly

    Time for a good head cleaning.

    Nice deer Tim maybe we'll find a relative of his this season
  20. Good choice to many memories leave it
  21. MathewQuigly


    If you have a 5.56 you can shoot 223
  22. Are the panniers still available
  23. MathewQuigly

    SCI Banquet protests

    No mercy for the protesters ha? 110 degrees and not one fire hose came out lol Kinda of tired of everyone having a cause and wanting to protest everything. if it's not illegal shut up and go away
  24. 7 Mag in a Winchester model 70, or Remington model 700
  25. MathewQuigly

    OTC elk

    That's good info and real sorry to here that about the Verde Valley. I have fond memories as a kid in the valley during the summers. Kinda sounds like Leo's don't want to catch the vagrants