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About MathewQuigly

  • Rank
    Advanced Member

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Surprise , Arizona
  • Interests
    Horses, Hunting and Prospecting

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  1. MathewQuigly

    Alamo Elk.

    Lmao I’m so confused lol
  2. MathewQuigly

    Alamo Elk.

    Where’s golden shores?
  3. MathewQuigly

    Alamo Elk.

    Did someone say hogs 😁
  4. MathewQuigly

    2021 Draw

    Starting to doubt AZ game and fish and anything they do. Wonder if they are using Dominion program
  5. Doing a 6.5 Grendel build, anyone tried Diamond back tac barrels?
  6. MathewQuigly

    Load for 7mm Mag

    I want to thank everyone for the replies, ive started looking for H1000, and found one pnd. Wish me luck on finding more
  7. I found out Game and Fish hit our CC and since we only put in for one hunt i know its Elk, time to work up a load. 😁 Thinking about using Barnes all copper 168 grain bullets, any powder recommendation? Id like something thats temp insensitive
  8. MathewQuigly

    Where am I?

    Nope never heard of it. Probably went through at Mach speed and never saw it lol
  9. MathewQuigly

    Where am I?

    Wheres Virden?
  10. MathewQuigly

    Where am I?

    I can tell you’ve done a lot of research to find all this out. How many times do you think you’ve past the dam and never new you had family history with it?
  11. MathewQuigly

    Don't kill it

    Now that's funny stuff, what want to know is what happened after you scared the crap out of her? Was you in the dog house or on the couch
  12. MathewQuigly

    Don't kill it

    I walked up he looks at me , with head lamp on, then looks down 2-3 times. I said what's the matter with you? I don't remember if he said look down or I just spotted it but he almost caught me in his arms. Lol I forgot all about that, and now I remember I still owe you buddy lol
  13. MathewQuigly

    Don't kill it

    I was recently watching an outdoor show that the host came acrossed a rattle snake. His position was no need to kill it, it won't bother you if you don't bother it. I think they should die, and this is why? My position is yes I saw it or heard it but the next person might not or their dog or kid might be curious about it. It's preventable by killing it so why would you not if you can safely take it out. I'd really hate to see my horse or someone's in the group get bit. I also have to tell you the last one we came acrossed I let go. I through rocks at it till it was clear of the trail and almost got nailed by its buddy who was lurking near by. Yep there was two. That's when I developed this theory. Am I right or wrong? Why is this wrong if that's what you think? I'm asking this is not an argument
  14. MathewQuigly

    Decision help please

    Got a new AR build going on and got a question, what caliber 6.8 spc or 6.5 Grendel? This is a light weight hunting ( hogs,coues/mule deer etc) and self defense rifle (zombies). Input would be great
  15. MathewQuigly

    Powder suggestion

    That's all good info, thankyou