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Everything posted by TATAat27

  1. Dog fighting and hunting are not closely related! You probably poke your deer eyes with a stick and yank on his tongue and call it clean fun. As human beings we have a responsibilty to take care of animals. The ability to hunt for me means we can manage local wildlife which lessens the chance for disease and overpopulation and it also means I get to take home some good eatin' meat. Dogfighting is senseless, find something else to gamble on if you must. The problem with America today is that people cant call right, right and wrong, wrong. It's all about peoples agendas. It used to be that a kid would come home and say "dad, my teacher spanked me on the hand for talking in class" and the dad would say "good, what were you talking in class for anyways, you were supposed to be listening!". Those days are long gone nowadays people will take the wrong side just to justify thier actions. For me, I believe God and whats written in His sacred Word, that's what I live by, not by popular opinion. Oh, and please don't try to compare sacrifices unto the Lord to dogfighting cause then you'll have to explain that to HIM on that day. Rich.
  2. TATAat27

    First buck by bow!!!!!!!

    Awesome, congratulations!
  3. TATAat27

    Liver/White Brittanys 10 wks old AKC

    I will, we're trying to get two of them and we're very excited! Thanks again.
  4. TATAat27

    Liver/White Brittanys 10 wks old AKC

    DUG Posted Today, 09:10 AM 4 males left. These are now free to good homes. Will be 11 weeks on Monday. Thanks for the heads up, My wife already made contact with the owner.
  5. TATAat27

    Liver/White Brittanys 10 wks old AKC

    I am very interested!
  6. TATAat27

    25-06 purchase

    I just purchased a remington model 700 cdl in a 25-06. I Was wondering what bullets shoot the best in your opinion or at least give me a good place to start so I dont have to buy the whole store to find the right cartridge. Any reloaders out there willing to sell to me? Any help would be appreciated. Rich
  7. TATAat27

    25-06 purchase

    Thanks for all your inputs, I really appreciate it!
  8. TATAat27

    July 2007 Guess the Score Contest

    112 4/8. Great Buck, nice story!
  9. TATAat27

    Get Rid of Special Permits?

    I think the super raffle is a great idea, but the odds of getting a tag is on the side of the rich. Now I know the average Joe has won before, but there should be a limit i.e. one ticket per species, that gives everyone the same opportunity and I think more people will buy one if they have an equal chance of being drawn. As far as the special interest groups, yes they do a lot for our wildlife, but I just don't like the idea of autioning off our wildlife to the highest bidder. I'd rather pay a couple of dollars more on liscense/tag fees than to give Richie Rich a tag that he doesn't deserve. Maybe the idea Tony offered isn't the perfect solution in this case, but I think most of us will agree that there has to be or could be a better way of raising money.
  10. I voted no because if you penalize one person for making a mistake i.e. not filing out the application properly or not sending the correct funds, then you have to do it for everyone. I think its clear that these people did not send the correct funds period. Just because an issue came up with the online process doesn't mean it wasn't done fairly. I think for the first time in a long time the G&F did an outstanding job in completing the draw process and were pretty clear on what funds were required.
  11. TATAat27

    Checks cashed

    I checked the bank and my check finally got cashed, so it should be about 3 weeks to a month before we find anything out on the results.
  12. I have a friend who went out for a joyride with his brother and encountered several abandoned vehicles in the middle of nowhere (imagine that). Most were shot up and trashed. He found one that was in bad shape, but has a Dana 60 just calling his name. What if anything can he do to take it legally? I know the law isn't going to to anything with them since I have seen many of these vehicles in the same place for years and years. I just dont want him getting in trouble if there is a solution to his dillema.
  13. TATAat27

    Lessons Learned

    I learned that once you have a plan in mind (if you can help it) you need to stick with it or you will be thinking about it for the next 12 months. I learned that I am the only person in my family crazy enough to hike 5 to 10 miles a day with a 20lb pack leaving before the sun comes up and returning after dark and loving every minute of it. I learned that no matter what I say to try to convince everyone that the big one is in the canyon they cant see clearly with their 10x50's, no one will tag along (this one I dont understand) I learned that big toes hurt for months if your shoes are a tad bit too small. I learned that no matter what kind of freeze dried food you buy, if you forget your propane burner, it all tastes like garbage. I learned that my pointing finger doesnt aim right for others no matter how much I raise my voice and say "ITS RIGHT THERE!" I learned that putting too much pressure on my young cousin will make him shoot ten feet to the left at 275 yds and putting no pressure on his older brother gets the same result. I learned that I only see mountain lions when I dont have a tag. I learned that no matter what I say, if I am hunting with a bow, I will find a loop hole in my thinking (i.e. never shot a whitetail with a bow, haven't been seeing much, last day of hunt even though it's Jan., been walking/glassing for hours, he's so close...etc...) that justifies the reason I just shot at that dink of a forkie (luckily I missed). What can I say, I'm weak.
  14. TATAat27

    tikka T3 lite 25-06 and scope

    If a friend of a friend got it shipped for $300.00, why are you willing to give him $350.00.
  15. TATAat27

    apply online!!!

    I received this e-mail from the webmaster: If you have purchased a license online or through our phone sales line the license number is stored in the database. Thank you and have a great day. So I guess I'm fine!
  16. TATAat27

    First Bow Hunt: Part 3

    Thanks for taking us on your hunting trips, they were very good reading! Archery is definately addicting, good luck drawing tags this year! Rich
  17. TATAat27

    apply online!!!

    I just applied, it was easy as usual but I dont remember being asked about a license number. Anyone have the same experience?
  18. TATAat27

    120 whitetail

    Awesome! Congrats to your brother!
  19. TATAat27

    Spot n' stalk

    Thought it might be fun to see different tactics one might use in a given situation. The senario: It's early afternoon about 12:30, you glass up a buck on a south facing slope. You decide he's a shooter, but he is partially behind a jumping cactus and no shot is possible from your current location. You are currently 480 yds away a little southeast of him on a north facing slope with a little cover between you and the buck. The wind is blowing South east towards you at 5 to 10 mph. There is a cut in the hill the buck is on about 500 yds to the east of him which would enable you to come around and over the top of him putting you about 80-100 yds from him (its pretty thick though). To the west of your location, is a major drop down into a wash and would be hard to get to without alerting the deer of your location. There is a plateau between you and the buck which would put you at 250 yds away, but as i said earlier there is little cover. Using a bow or a rifle, what would you do? By the way the buck does not know you're there and he's facing slightly away from you. I hope this senario gives you a good enough picture, if not use your imagination a little.
  20. TATAat27

    Treestandman - Accident!

    My prayers are with you Mike. I was looking forward to seeing you bring down one of those big fat bucks you had on camera. I know you'll make a full recovery and be back in business next year. God bless, Rich.
  21. TATAat27

    Archery elk tags

    Anyone read this, it came straight from the Game and fish website. Elk-antelope regulations adopted News Media Dec 12, 2006 During the adoption process, the commission tweaked the elk permit allocation process to make it more equitable . In the past, the allocation pie – the formula for determining the distribution of permits among general firearms, muzzleloader, and archery hunters – has focused on application pressure and hunt success primarily for bulls to allocate the available harvest. Arizona Game and Fish Department Game Branch Chief Leonard Ordway told the commission that over the years, this permit-allocation process has resulted in an inequity, where those applying for archery permits for antlerless elk have been able to obtain a disproportionately high percentage of the available permits compared to general antlerless season applicants. Ordway explained the original formula for distributing the permits developed in 1986 was based on the assumption that hunters desired bull elk tags, so the formula grouped bull and antlerless elk hunters together. “Over the ensuing years, we have seen a demand develop where hunters are consistently putting in for cow elk as their first and second choices. When you compare the draw harvest allocation, preference for permits and success rates of archery versus rifle for those tags, an archery hunter had a disproportionate chance of being drawn as compared to a general season applicant,” Ordway told the commission. The commission agreed the inequity that has existed should be eliminated and adopted the department’s recommended allocation of elk permits separating and managing the bull elk allocation away from the antlerless allocation. General season permits are 15,310, an increase of 615 permits from last year. Junior antlerless elk hunts are increased by 40 to 1,185 permits. Archery elk permits were decreased by 1,375 (primarily due to an adjustment in antlerless permit allocation and an overall decrease in antlerless harvest across the state) to 4,864.
  22. TATAat27

    Bow Season opens Friday

    I'll be in 34A or 36a!!!!! I can't wait. I thought it was kind of funny that no one had posted anything on the subject. I thought about following TREESTAND MAN to his spot, , but he practically gave me his old bow so I just couldn't do it. It looks like he's done his homework and I know he'll be up for the task when that fat 4 x 4 comes under his stand. Good luck Mike! Good luck to everyone. One more thing attn: rifle hunters in 34a and 36a that object slowly stalking that big 100" buck is not a moutain lion, it's me . So make sure of your target. God bless, Rich
  23. TATAat27

    bull frog mates with WT.

    If that was on me, I'd walk towards someone with a gun too!!!! Thats just pain nasty!
  24. TATAat27

    az guide license

    Yeah but this band really stinks!!! Time to find new band members or a new band.
  25. TATAat27

    az guide license

    Its does seem like everything went up for no apparent reason. I'm all for the game and fish people getting paid a fair wage and the money going to support the many things they do, but what are they gonna do different this year that is so expensive compared to other years?