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Everything posted by TATAat27

  1. If you're talking about freedom of speech, pants don't talk. Well, ok, maybe after a couple of bowls of chili beans. Now thats funny!
  2. I dont think the constitution gives anyone the right to run around half dressed in the name of so called fashion. I for one dont want my children looking at it, no one should have to. That goes for the saggy pants and half dressed women, I'm trying to raise a family here.
  3. TATAat27

    It's just about time!!

    Chap Stick! Just added to my list, thanks. Rich
  4. TATAat27

    Reloading for .264

    Have you ever heard of Gene Gilbert? He reloads out of Sunsites. He should be at the gun show at the fairgrounds on the 13th and 14th. He should have what you're looking for. Rich
  5. My friend and I went scouting in 36b on saturday, we scouted yellowjacket rd. for most of the morning and ended up in warsaw canyon at around 11:00 a.m. We glassed for awhile and saw nothing. The area looks very nice, but this was my first time down there, I was wondering if anyone has been down there and had any luck. Does it get very much pressure? Any info will be appreciated. Rich
  6. TATAat27


    oh yeah, thanks for the pics. Rich
  7. TATAat27


    You either took your little brothers bike or your 7 ft 300 pds.
  8. TATAat27

    Coyote hunting

    I think I'm sold thanks for all the info guys. Rich
  9. TATAat27

    First Bull Ever

    Great bull!!! Congratulations. Hopefully you wont have to wait another 15 years for your next hunt.
  10. TATAat27

    8x8 Non Typical - Opening Day AZ BULL ELK

    Awesome bull!! It looks a little bloated, did they have trouble finding it?
  11. TATAat27

    process of deer hunting

    Here's a link to thenew mexico Game and fish. www.wildlife.state.nm.us/
  12. TATAat27

    Glassing stool/chair

    Thanks Doug that helps a lot! Rich
  13. TATAat27

    Glassing stool/chair

    Has anyone tried this stool? What kind of glassing chair/stool do you use? I have used foam pads and they just dont cut it for me, looking to get of the ground a little but not too much. Thx Rich
  14. TATAat27

    2 Photographs

    More than likely you will run into some kind of trash down there. Some areas will look normal until you get into the washes and then BAMM!! On the bright side if you need a backpack, or a change of clothes, there are usually plenty to choose from.
  15. TATAat27

    Another big bull? Record?

    WOW!!! Record or not that is an awesome bull.
  16. TATAat27

    curious about safety in camping trailor

    I have an 03 pioneer and have used my heater many times with the windows shut and never had a problem.
  17. TATAat27

    2 Photographs

    I remember stalking a deer 4 years ago and walking through something like that in the middle of my stalk. I thought to myself isn't it wonderful to be in the great outdoors. People who don't go down there have no idea of whats going on, it's rediculous.
  18. TATAat27

    Grong's Bull

    That is an awesome bull! Congratulations.
  19. TATAat27

    THis is great

    That is great! Thanks for the laugh!
  20. TATAat27

    Warsaw canyon, 36b

    Not a bad mistake, but I'm sure seeing the biggun' afterwards made you a little sick.
  21. If people dont get involved things are going to get ugly real fast. This really is an eye opener!
  22. TATAat27

    Trail Cameras

    I dont use cameras and never really thought about using them. I think that hunting game in their normal surroundings or under normal circumstances i.e. without the use of any baits or attractants is fair chase. I dont think that using baits or attractants even if its just to see whats in the area is the right thing to do. Yes its tough to find that buck of a lifetime and you have to put in a lot of time in the field, but I think in the end you'll be more satisfied with the results knowing that you did everything on your own, even if you dont kill anything. As far as people setting up cameras on trails and such, I think thats fine. It sounds like it takes a lot more work and dedication to find places to set them up and a lot more effort than I put into a hunt. So anyways, thats my opinion. I think if you get pleasure out of something and its legal, go ahead and do it. It just wouldn't work for me. Well whatever method you use, good luck to you all. Rich
  23. TATAat27

    Archery Mulie

    Nice buck! Congratulations.
  24. TATAat27

    Archery Deer

    Congratulations Mike. It's awesome to see that you are back in action! Great buck. I know you put a lot of work into your hunts and it was a great sight to see you holding that nice buck in your hands. Rich.
  25. You're exactly right, thats what I was trying to get accross, thanks for the help!