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Everything posted by Titanium700

  1. Titanium700

    Dream Hunt?

    Very good friend of mine always put his sons and himself for this hunt. his youngest son got a tag as a youth and filled it. the very next year he was of adult age and his dad once again put him in for the hunt…..he got drawn again. lucky guy. and killed another great bull. I’d say he accomplished what many never will.
  2. Titanium700

    Dream Hunt?

    Kamchatka brown bear.
  3. Titanium700

    Post where your Elk Hunting!!!

  4. Titanium700

    Something Fishy

    At 95? I doubt it
  5. Titanium700

    Something Fishy

    I think a carbon monoxide poisoning or something similar wife and dog too
  6. Titanium700

    Post where your Elk Hunting!!!

    This for sure.
  7. Titanium700

    And the Card hits will begin

  8. Titanium700

    And the Card hits will begin

    You were right. 4b
  9. Titanium700

    And the Card hits will begin

    Like I said. just a guess as I don’t have the numbers in front of me.
  10. Titanium700

    And the Card hits will begin

    My guess is they drew 6a but I could be wrong
  11. Titanium700

    And the Card hits will begin

    Well. My Fil didn’t draw My son didn’t draw I didn’t draw but my brother in law , sis in law and his son all drew on one ticket. nonres and they applied for early bull archery 3a 3c, 4b and 6a 5bn and last choice was 5bs wonder which they drew???
  12. Titanium700

    How long until cards are hit??

    ⬆️ if it’s any good feelings for ya the last time I got drawn for elk I was in Hawaii too. 2018
  13. Titanium700

    Bonus points

    Haha. that’s crazy
  14. Titanium700

    Old rem 700

    CJ I believe is April 1962
  15. Titanium700

    CW withdrawals

    Thought I got banned.
  16. Titanium700

    Shorty barrel thread

    Yup. 16.5” .308 how to take screenshots
  17. Leupold Mark 4 3.5 x 10 - 40 (30mm) M1
  18. Titanium700

    Stolen Blind

    I hate thieves
  19. Titanium700

    NonVoter Shame

  20. Titanium700

    Good deal on a grinder

    It’s here.
  21. Titanium700

    Good deal on a grinder

    I just bought the 1.5 hp one. can’t wait till it gets here
  22. Titanium700

    2024 Archery Bull

    Awesome bull.
  23. Titanium700

    Shot my first elk

    Yup. give er a try
  24. Titanium700

    Daily elk hunt update!! Sons 5bs bull

    I don’t know how many hunts I’ve been a part of that it all comes together the last day. keep at it.
  25. Titanium700

    Daily elk hunt update!! Sons 5bs bull

    Thanks for taking us along with you on this hunt.