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Everything posted by Titanium700

  1. Titanium700

    Who’s in ?

    Got 3 of us in.
  2. Titanium700

    Huge Sonora deadhead

  3. Titanium700

    Metal Detectors?

  4. Titanium700

    Things to do in Tucson w/10yr old?

    Can’t believe no one recommended Eegee’s…. kids love that place. course so do some of us adults. last time at pinnacle peak I was uderwelmed steak was too well done sent it back and came a little better but still. the train was not running and all the shops were closed. maybe it was the day of week and time? dont know. I like El Corral way better
  5. Titanium700

    Unit 33 Deer Health

    Hope you like does. there’s no bucks.
  6. Titanium700

    Funky Bull

    What’s that yellow thing in his side? kinda looks like an arrow fletching, not sure though.
  7. Titanium700

    Fishing big island HI need recommendations

  8. Titanium700

    Should I be worried?

    Daughter still hasn’t received her tags in the mail. should I wait a little longer or call them? nonresident.
  9. Titanium700

    Should I be worried?

    Lol. I don’t know. my mailman is an older woman. never got around to asking her. May driveway is 900’ long and hardly ever see her.
  10. Titanium700

    Should I be worried?

    Got the tag in the mail today!! phew..!
  11. Titanium700

    what kind of range?

    Don’t discount the bullet on the far side under the skin at close range. sometimes the bullet (esp a Barnes) will open up with such force because of its speed it will Not travel as far but longer distance and slower speed may blow on through.
  12. Titanium700

    Should I be worried?

    I’ll give another week. her hunt is late October
  13. Titanium700

    Where's the best hand tossed pizza in Arizona?

    Homemade pizza on my BGE…..
  14. Titanium700

    How'd You Get Your First Buck?

    1985, Western NY i was 16 at the time, first year I could hunt big game. was walking back to the truck for lunch from hunting all morning. as I walked dead center through a farmers cut hay field a small 4pt (eastern count) whitetail starting into the field with me. he was as surprised as I was, was hunting with a single shot shotgun. shot him at 65 yds, bunch of guys on the road near dads truck were all chatting with him when they heard the shot, they all came running to see what I shot and they grabbed my prize and drug him to the truck for me. that left a lasting impression on comradery amongst fellow hunters. I’ll never forget it. and I still have the dinky rack. Lol
  15. Titanium700

    elk location help

    That’s too cool
  16. Titanium700

    what kind of range?

    300 yds with a first gen Remington 700 ss ml with a few goodies like a aftermarket 209 nose kit, McMillan stick and Leupold scope with a cds dial. haven’t tried further but dial goes to a bit past 325. may try it shortly.
  17. Titanium700

    Draw results

    Keep your pants on. they’ll show shortly
  18. Titanium700

    Draw results

    33 Coues Oct 21/27th
  19. Titanium700

    Draw Results?

    I bet Wednesday I know what unit we’ll be in just not the dates. but I have an idea.
  20. Titanium700

    Any Velvet Pictures Yet?

    It IS a bummer…
  21. Titanium700

    Its Time To Change the Arizona Bonus Point System

    Wonder if he’s a California transplant?
  22. Titanium700

    Its Time To Change the Arizona Bonus Point System

    I think I had 12 a few years ago when I got my ML tag. I’d say you are due.