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Everything posted by Titanium700

  1. Titanium700

    How long until cards are hit??

    Declined card hits?? maybe?
  2. Titanium700

    The I’ve been drawn for DEER thread

    Non res deer tag is $300
  3. Titanium700

    How long until cards are hit??

    Like a roller coaster… 😀
  4. Titanium700

    How long until cards are hit??

    This is along my line of thinking.
  5. Titanium700

    How long until cards are hit??

    it isn’t the draw that’s screwed up…. it’s the charging of the cards (assuming there is a screw up)
  6. Titanium700

    The I’ve been drawn for DEER thread

    Either my son or I drew a tag. most likely him as I really swung for the fences even though I have 20 points.
  7. Titanium700

    How long until cards are hit??

    Wonder if everybody and their mothers cousin put in this year with all the moisture earlier this year? making those 100% draw odds a bit less. I know I put in for a tough to draw for hunt this year, swinging for the fences because of that.
  8. Titanium700

    How long until cards are hit??

    That $300 charge is non res deer.
  9. Titanium700

    How long until cards are hit??

  10. Titanium700

    How long until cards are hit??

    Dont think it’s happening today.
  11. Titanium700

    How long until cards are hit??

    Hope tomorrow is the day. I’ll be checking my credit card every 10 minutes. hoping for 2 hits but most likely will only get one.
  12. Titanium700

    How long until cards are hit??

    So totally true. lol
  13. Titanium700

    How long until cards are hit??

    That looks authentic
  14. Titanium700

    How long until cards are hit??

    Lol. no doubt
  15. Titanium700

    Cod piccata

    That looks good. I love cod
  16. Titanium700

    Purple stripes on trees - No Trespassing

    My mistake. I should’ve said most states.
  17. Titanium700

    Purple stripes on trees - No Trespassing

    That purple paint thing is across all states. personally I still use the big yellow no trespassing signs every 30 yds..
  18. Titanium700

    Anyone else get a call from azgfd about draw mixup?

    That’s what I figure and he does not have a lifetime license. wish I would’ve got one though.
  19. Titanium700

    Anyone else get a call from azgfd about draw mixup?

    I’d say there was a screwup. a nonresident friend of mine got a unit 9 early muzzleloader tag with only 14 points
  20. Titanium700

    Fall Draw Is Now Open

  21. Titanium700

    Tripod & Head for BTX

    I’m gonna be getting a Really Right Stuff Ascend with a ball head.
  22. Titanium700

    1964 (Found it)

    I spend as much on custom rifles today as a new car in the 60’s/70’s cost.
  23. Titanium700

    Card Hits!

    I’ll say because they didn’t give me a tag…. lol
  24. Titanium700

    Card Hits!

  25. Titanium700

    Too Early Draw Results Countdown

    Yup. Hopefully..