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Everything posted by Titanium700

  1. Titanium700

    No elk pics? Stories

    Nope. It wasn’t
  2. Titanium700

    No elk pics? Stories

    You have a link or any pics you could share? I’ve got a pard hunting there and haven’t heard from him yet.
  3. Titanium700


    Like others said the 06, BUT….don’t fear the .243’s abilities with a good bullet. when my son had his first bull tag all he wanted to use was his .243 so I loaded him up some 100 grain partitions and low and behold he slew a young bull at 137 yds with one shot. The bull dropped on the spot and the bullet blew on through. And he wasn’t exactly a tiny bull body wise.
  4. Titanium700

    Double Down

    2 great bulls.
  5. Titanium700

    No elk pics? Stories

    May just be me. lol mine in my avatar looks real similar in width to the one you found.
  6. Titanium700

    No elk pics? Stories

    I’ve noticed and maybe it’s just me but doesn’t it seem that the genetics in 3b have narrower racks? mine looks like that one you found and I’ve seen many similar in that unit.
  7. Titanium700

    Hunting with contact lenses

    Get lasik again?
  8. Titanium700

    Deer tags. (In mail?)

    Has anybody got their deer tags in the mail yet? I know I know. someone always has to ask this question every year….I guess this year it’s me.
  9. Titanium700

    Deer tags. (In mail?)

    Not his first tag. last hunt he did he got a 98”er hes hoping to break the 100” mark this time.
  10. Titanium700

    Deer tags. (In mail?)

    Son got his tag today. his is tag #001
  11. Titanium700

    Deer tags. (In mail?)

    My fil got his tag today. my son still hasn’t got his. I expect he’ll get it Monday
  12. Titanium700

    Time Flies; CouesWhitetail.com

    9 yrs going on 10 In February I guess I’m a teenager in CW forum specs. lol
  13. Titanium700

    Deer tags. (In mail?)

    Not yet.
  14. Titanium700

    Best Ballistic App (not named Strelok)?

    ISnipe and Ballistic AE for me.
  15. Titanium700

    Morning Visitor

    I’ve seen 2 Gila monsters but never a desert tortoise.
  16. Titanium700

    Morning Visitor

  17. Titanium700

    Camping etiquette ( what's wrong with people ? )

    Oh my!!!!! lol. what a perv.
  18. Titanium700

    Camping etiquette ( what's wrong with people ? )

    Haha. good movie.
  19. Titanium700

    Deer tags. (In mail?)

    Ok. I guess I’m being impatient. thx guys
  20. Titanium700

    Leftover list posted

    Tell me about this all white buck…
  21. Titanium700

    Leftover list posted

    I hope all archery does go to a draw. it might actually help with draw odds.
  22. Titanium700

    Leftover list posted

    Yup. good ole days are officially over.
  23. Titanium700

    When will results posted on portal accounts

    Sportsman’s warehouse?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  24. Titanium700

    When will results posted on portal accounts

    Probably means they didnt want to answer your question or it was on another page on their computer and didn’t want to click the button to find out.
  25. Titanium700

    How long until cards are hit??

    5 yrs????? Pssshhhhaaww try 21