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Everything posted by daverp

  1. Cant believe it, I got drawn for BULL ELK!!!!!!!!! In my favorite unit 7W !!!!!!!!!!!! I thought for sure that when my CC got the $400 hit, that my son got drawn for Cow Elk unit 7w on his second choice. That I drew a bull tag in my favorite unit is unbelievable and a dream come true for me, especially with only 1 bonus point. Next week I transfer my tag over to the lucky boy, and take him BULL ELK hunting in November!!!!!!!!!!! Good Luck all!! See you in the woods!
  2. daverp

    has anyone spoke to AZGFD

    I can sympathize with her, it's got to be a mad house manning the phones right now, but they should keep in mind it's not the hunters who have turned this into a real goat screw....that was the joint effort of the outfit in Tennesse and the AZ G&F department. You tell everyone that the results will be out "August 1st" every year on your web site, but everyone knows they typically come out two weeks before that. That's compounded by employees giving every date from "results are already out" to "the results will be out opening morning" for christ sake. Also compounded by people's cards being hit almost a week in advance of the draw. Instead of trying to save face, how hard would it be to post daily updates on the main page at the web site? Everyone knows it was screwed up this year, now just admit it instead of trying to act like everything is fine ("It's not August 1st yet, we're still ahead of schedule" ) and let's move on! At least this shouldn't happen next year with the early draw for Elk and Antelope. What would be nice is if the results could post as they happen. That would let everyone know as soon as possible, without all the speculation. Probably not possible to do it that way though... At this rate, this whole debacle has really diminished the excitement of (hopefully) drawing a tag. I'm headed out Thursday for 10 days in AZ. The results of the draw will dictate what I do and where I'm going. With any luck, there will be out sometime before then, but I'm not holding my breath.
  3. daverp

    No CC hits, %$#@

    I've got that on both my son's and my application pages, and I've only received one CC hit, so I don't know if it means much. I do know this much, I'm beyond frustrated at the lack of any kind of follow up to the temp authorization on my CC that's been sitting there for 4 days now with no actual charge. Making me nervous, and the rumors of accidental CC hits sits there just below the surface festering now. Already told my boy we were probably going elk hunting. Hope this isn't a cruel lesson in "don't count your chickens before they hatch". Some confirmation would be most welcome at this point. I'm guessing by 3 p.m. tomorrow results will be posted though and we'll know soon enough. They couldn't continue to torture us beyond tomorrow, could they????
  4. daverp


    All I know is I am getting rather nervous now. My reduced "available credit" hit of $400 has been showing up since Thursday morning now, but there is still no confirmed charge or balance on the account. I figured for sure there would have been a confirmed charge by now that I could see. Don't think I'll be sleeping too well until the charge actually shows or G&F post the results.....
  5. Disregard. Tried setting up a poll, and it didn't quite work out, but won't let me delete.
  6. daverp


    I'm sending you my Emergency Room bill! Funny, I've got my 13 year old next to me here playing video games. I've got him out for the summer from Kansas. He's been playing all these racing and star wars games non stop on his play station since he's been here. Tonight I informed him he got an elk tag, probably a cow tag. Now he's got "Cableas Big Game Hunter" on and is chasing poor cow elk all over the place. Don't know who's more excited, him or me. What's nice is we had already planned and are leaving in one week for 10 days of camping and shooting out of the same camp we'll be hunting elk out of this fall. Scouting time!
  7. daverp


    What, and us non-residents can go pound sand? Seriously though, I hope there's no animosity towards non-residents in the woods this year, now that things are back the way they should be with a 10% non-res cap. Almost none of us I knew of supported a no cap for non-residents, or the crap USO was pulling. Too bad, it could be a while before the damage that outfit did is repaired. All I know is I spent the first 18 years of my life in Northern AZ until I joined the military, and am now stuck in the People's Republic of Kalifornia caring for an elderly parent. It makes me cringe to drive through the Arizona outdoors with Kalifornia plates. You have no idea. But, come Oct or Nov, I'll be there nonetheless, taking my son hunting elk out of the same elk camp where my father took me hunting for elk almost 25 years ago. Actually got all misty eyed this morning during my commute after I found out we got drawn thinking about it. Wish my old man was still here to see it.
  8. daverp

    Draw Results

    I got hit for $400 (non-res elk) and someone else said they got an antelope price hit. From the sounds of things, they aren't close to being done charging everyone's cards yet, so there's still hope!
  9. daverp

    Draw Results

    I've been dying to tell my son all day, and haven't yet, hoping for more of a firm confirmation, but heck, I can't hold it that long! I'm going to have to tell him tonight that he's going elk hunting, so that temp authrization better pull through as a real elk tag soon! If nothing else, it's been one heck of an exciting day! Applying as a non-res the past two years, I feel blessed to have gotten any tag, let alone an elk tag for the kid. I told him a couple months ago that there was basically zero chance of us getting drawn for anything this year. He should be pleasantly suprised.
  10. daverp


    Where are you at in Parks? I grew up there. Don't see too many people from Parks! I lived just about a mile up from the school on Spring Valley rd, on Lance drive. Went to the school there from about 76 to 80. I'll be hunting just a few miles north west of there it looks like come elk season. Know the area like the back of my hand! Elk steaks come Novemeber!
  11. daverp


    The suspense is killing me, on if it's a cow or a bull tag. This is almost worse than not knowing. I could just about guarantee it's a cow tag, but the optimist in me is hoping for a bull!
  12. daverp


    We are gonna be some mighty unhappy people if these are phantom charges and temporary authorizations! I'm trying to not get excited about an unknown $400 apparent temp authorization, but I can't seem to help it at the moment! This card is used for the annual draw only, so no possibility of other charges being on it. BTW, mine is a Citi Credit Card. Showing nothing but a Available Credit decreased by $400 from Credit Limit amount. Nothing confirmed yet.
  13. daverp


    My CC is showing a "Available Credit" of $400 less than my "Credit Limit" this morning! It was not like this last night. There must be a temporary authorization for an elk tag on there? I put my boy in 2nd choice unit 7w cow elk, so I'm guessing that's it. I'd be happy with that for him. If I get drawn and he doesn't, any tag I get will get transfered to him though. Gotta get the boy a good hunt. It's time. As much as I hate to say it, I accidentally put in for unit 8 bull 2nd choice for me (don't ask me how). Hope that's not it! I don't know unit 8 for crap even though I grew up there. Come on unit 7w Bull tag!!!!!! *Fingers still crossed*
  14. daverp

    Draw Results

    All I know is as a long time resident but current non-resident, I start out the application process in May just sure I won't be drawn for anything and keep my expectations realistic, but by the time the 2nd and 3rd week of July rolls around, I get caught up in all the excitement and start believing I may actually get drawn for something darnit! Hate getting my hopes up only to have them crushed when reality hits! But, at least I've got the next few days to be hopeful! Then it's back to reality and predator calling to get my hunting fix.
  15. daverp

    Draw Results

    Ahh yes, feels like Xmas eve. Since I'm now a non-res, I don't expect much, but the heightened anticipation is still there. It's like the lottery I guess, it's nice to dream about what will happen if they pick your number, but I'm not counting on it. Put in for cow elk for the first time ever in hopes of getting that maybe. If nothing else, I really want a Dec. Couse tag or a bull or cow elk tag for my boy. If that would happen, I'd be immensely satisfied. If I get drawn, I'm transfering the tag over to him anyway, so all I need is one out of 6 applications to draw!