Thank you everyone!
I ended up drawing my first choice, a late unit bull tag. Went scouting a couple of times with my boyfriend and some of our friends. Saw some elk, nothing too exciting. We went up a couple of days before the season started, had a wondeful Thanksgiving out at camp, went scouting those few days before and saw nothing. Opening day found us back at our glassing spot and finding nothing so we moved over to check a water and some friends had called saying that he was chasing 10 bulls on foot and ended up losing them. Our friend found another set of bulls that he ended up chasing so, we took off to go look for the bulls, found them an hour later. We put the sneak on them and we were done by noon. Had a great time, we were lucky as we were able to drive right to him which was awesome! It got it really cold and was a ways away to be hiking that big boy out!
Needless to say, I'm one happy girl!
Sneekfreak....Tony is the best guide/boyfriend a girl could ever ask for!!