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Everything posted by Nmhunter

  1. Nmhunter

    Who's going out for the HAM 2014?

    My son and i will be in 20c this weekend. Will be using XP-100's 6.5 calibers. Nmhunter
  2. Nmhunter

    Slik or promaster or outdoorsmans

    Cut down the legs on one of my manfrotto's . It is now a prone,kneeling, sitting tripod. Weight is under 4lbs and will fit in my gunslingerII pack. Nmhunter
  3. Nmhunter


    congratulations on your Oryx. Not an easy tag to draw. I drew a tag several years ago for the BLM hunt off the range. That was when the tag was good for a whole month. Took a young cow with a 308 handcannon, some of the best eating We have had. saw several good bulls but were all across the fence on Gov't. land or on ted turners ranch. we were lucky to catch two moving from one to the other and set up an ambush. congrats again on your Oryx. nmhunter
  4. Nmhunter

    Winchester 284

    the 284 is an excellent cartridge in a bolt action. My 284's are a little different, both are XP-100 and HS Precision handcannons. super accurate and deadly on deer sized game. took a 9 pt (eastern count) whitetail in Ky two years ago. 140 gr Nosler BT did the job , bang / flop 90 yds shot (short distance for these guns). nmhunter
  5. Nmhunter

    Manfrotto Tripod 055XDB, 128 RC Head

    Still available? Nmhunter
  6. Nmhunter

    Any HAM (mainly 'h') hunters?

    New here, but an avid handgunner for many years. Will be in 20c for the ham hunt this year. Plan on using a 6br XP -100 custom and my son will use the same except in a 223 Nmhunter