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Everything posted by 452b264

  1. "It has come to our our attention that a Wisconsin circuit court judge has asked our friend Richard Clewien a law abiding veteran to provide his medical records, list of firearms, and ammunition in regards to a civil case. We know this is a violation of his constitutional and civil rights! If this is allowed to happen it will set precedent in the state and open up all citizens to this red flag(ish) behavior from any judge or neighbor on a whim. "
  2. 452b264

    Colorado preference point question

    You can buy a preference point and apply for your 2 nd, 3 rd, and 4th choice. If you are drawn you dont lose your points. Also in order to enter the draw you must buy a habitat stamp. I think those are $10.
  3. 452b264

    MeatEater podcast - Jim Heffelfinger

    He is the states senior biologist.
  4. 452b264


    The ATF is pushing for a registry for firearms so we need to tell them we dont want or need one. https://gunowners.org/na02152020/
  5. 452b264


    Everyone who owns a firearm needs to contact their representatives. It will ban our most commonly owned firearms. This bill SB1625 was submitted last thursday.
  6. 452b264


    At the moment there are only 13 rats in office and bloomberg is giving 8/10 million dollars for campaigns to flip Arizona. That is what happened in Virginia. For those that think voting wont do any good take a good look at whats happening there. They want great Britain gun laws in the US.
  7. 452b264

    The real Bloomberg

    Bloomberg had this this video taken down, but it was discovered and should be spreading across the country this week.
  8. 452b264

    The real Bloomberg

    This for those who dont think mini mike is a threat to the our second amendment rights.
  9. 452b264

    Advice wanted - crazy gun sale

    No way I would go and meet the family.
  10. 452b264

    Multiple rifles for sale

    How many rounds down the barrel of the 240 Gibbs?
  11. 452b264

    The real Bloomberg

    He has no business in politics. Remember we are the racist!
  12. 452b264

    Savage Upgrade Advice

    Personally I wouldn't buy anything ever again from Mc gowen. They advertised buy now and get your barrel in 4 to 6 weeks it took 6 months and it wouldn't screw into my action the threaded shank was way to big. I had a factory barrel and a Bench Mark barrel and both worked just fine. Bench Mark makes a great savage barrel also.
  13. 452b264

    Savage Upgrade Advice

    One problem with savage prefits are barrel contours. They jump from a thin sporter to a #4 contour last I checked you cant get anything in between. Good luck and have fun.
  14. 452b264

    Savage Upgrade Advice

    What Stomp stated, and you can get everything you need from North land. I would buy one of his barrel nuts/recoil lug for your new barrel it is light years ahead compared to the old one. I like the Boyds stocks for savage, but Bell & Carlson makes one also. Something I would also do Is have a smith square up the bolt face on your action the last flat back I had was 13 thousands out of square with the bolt/threads. Phoenix Custom Rifles trued mine up. I have a brand new set of magnum go/no go gauges I can let go. http://northlandshooterssupply.com/barrels/criterion-savage/
  15. You wont be able to hunt with your bow due to them selling all the forest service, BLM and state lands since you cant hunt anymore without your firearms.
  16. 452b264


    Below is a paper that hits the bottom line for three new bills being introduced. 1626, 1625, 1624. az gunlaw article.pdf
  17. 452b264


    9 states are forming a pack to protect themselves from the anti gunners. Arizona and Texas need to sign up ASAP.
  18. 452b264

    Prayer my son Enoch

    Hope he is well soon!
  19. 452b264


    If you follow the money I will bet its mini mike, he probably handed out 500,000 + to everyone of them. That is what he has been doing around the country.
  20. 452b264


    I just read the bill and it appears to be aimed at keeping firearms away from prohibited persons. There are no restrictions on loaning to a friend, family member or as a gift. If they add in any registration for the buyer then its a bad bill. Some of the bills they try to pass require registration.
  21. 452b264

    He is coming to Arizona

    Thats right Bloomberg is coming to Arizona to do what he did to Virginia along with 13 onther states. Next is the entire country. If you dont belong to Gun Owners of America join up and push back.
  22. 452b264

    WTB Barnes .270 LRX - partial box

    Well I have a total of 4 .277 cal. LRX projectiles laying around, its a start. I also have 2 full boxs of 150 gr. partitions.
  23. 452b264

    He is coming to Arizona

    Here is a bill that would be good for all 50 states..
  24. 452b264

    He is coming to Arizona

    You hit the nail on the head. Take a good look at what is happening in Virginia, I dont want to this happen to Arizona.