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Everything posted by 452b264

  1. 452b264


    Edited the ad for clarification.
  2. 452b264


  3. Are you guys ready to register your single shot 410? We must share this with everyone we know and reach out to our representatives. You wont believe what they are trying to pass here.
  4. 452b264

    Looking to buy

    I been wanting one since I grew up with a 243 win. But don't have one at the moment.
  5. 452b264


    Heres a little info about RL 16 it works great in the 6.5 CM or similar cartridges, it also works very well in 3006 spr. with 150/165 gr bullets. http://bulletin.accurateshooter.com/tag/rl16/
  6. Theres a big difference in jacket thickness between a Nosler Accubond/Partition and a Sierra gameking, Hornady SST.
  7. 452b264

    New hunter looking for mentor

    Some people like to use coyote howls and pup in distress in the spring time, but they are always hungry so the rabbit, and bird sounds work great so will a fawn in distress . If you heard them at night thats a start, now drive around at night and into the dark morning and stop and use your howler to locate them you must do this at night, that is how you find your own spots. Dont over call one spot, if you have half a dozen spots you can hunt them maybe once a month or so. They are smarter then you think!
  8. 452b264


    I have the same tipi but the large stove and its simply AWESOME! Mines not for sale.
  9. 452b264

    .277 CAL. and .224 cal. 30 cal. bullets

    Im still looking to trade these bullets?
  10. I have 85 new 150 gr. Nosler partitions $45.00 I would trade these for a pound of H 4831 SC 342 Sierra 60 gr. HP, and 100 Sierra 63 gr. sp. and 71 55 gr. SP sierras. ***SPF*** 30 cal. Barnes, 42 Barnes 168 gr. TTSX and 12 168 gr. TSX, and 38 130 gr. TTSX, I would like to trade for 150 gr. TTSX 30 CAL. Barnes.
  11. 452b264

    New hunter looking for mentor

    1) The guys that hunt them all the time wont take you to their areas so you need to have your own picked out so they can take to your spots. 2) Repeat #1 3)Do you have gloves and a face mask? You can hunt in jeans and a camo shirt but you must cover your hands and face. Dont move abruptly on stand very slow movement, once you spot a coyote dont move while you can see its eyes let him slip behind cover before shouldering your firearm and turning your body. 4) Sit on a short stool/chair. This way you can sit on stand for 15 to 45 minutes. (Lions, bears,bobcats and smart old dogs) 5) Make sure to hide your truck. If the incoming predator sees your truck he will leave. 6) This one is more important then you might think, dont call to loud, start at a very low volume and after about 5 minutes you can turn it up a bit but they hear 10 times better then you think. Once you see an incoming predator turn off the caller it already knows right where you are (within 5/6 feet) even if he is still 300 yards away. If need to get his attention lip squeak, this will be necessary to stop him for a shot. Sometimes they will act like they dont see you and will circle you downwind, dont let him lip squeak to stop him but be ready to shoot. Have fun!
  12. 452b264

    WTB 280 Ackley Brass

    If you are really desperate the az sportsmans warehouse at I 17/101 has a huge stack of remington 280 factory ammo.
  13. 452b264

    All firearms must be Registered

    I dont think they will talk about it, instead they will try and slip it in with the covid 19 bill, they wont want to alert the public as they know it wont be popular.
  14. 452b264

    All firearms must be Registered

    The problem with this bill besides everything is it includes ALL firearms, ammunition, magazines not just ARs or AKs. Can you see your ex giving them an interview or an psych exam from everyone in the family when your the only one buying the firearm? But they will plea bargain a third or forth firearm offence from some drug dealing dirt bag down to probation and let him go within 48 hours then repeat until he kills someone, then they claim they need more gun control. Insanity!
  15. 452b264

    Portal/bonus PTS. missing

    Last week I had to call AZGF to get into my portal, once in all my bonus points were listed. I just log in to make sure all was well and all my points are gone, has anyone else had this problem?
  16. 452b264

    Remington 700 gunsmith

    I would try Phoenix Custom Rifles or Eric at Axisworks.
  17. 452b264

    Help Protect the 2 A

    https://www.gunowners.org/na01232021/ https://www.gunowners.org/bidens-nominees-are-the-most-radical-anti-gunners-in-america/ Thanks for your time!
  18. 452b264

    Reloaders delight PARTIES OVER SPF

    Who ever buys this lot I will take the H 4831 SC and the accubond 30 cal. 165
  19. 452b264

    Found thank you

    I was just in Brunos and they didnt have any ramshot Magnum.
  20. 452b264

    Found thank you

    I will be in there by Friday I will look for it.
  21. I have 42 or 45 rounds of Remington 158 gr. HP if your interested? I will trade you for 9mm
  22. 452b264

    .277 CAL. and .224 cal. 30 cal. bullets

    I would also trade the .277 partitions for 150 gr. 30 cal. Barnes TTSX.
  23. 452b264

    AZGFD please get a better IT Team

    It turns out I have two accounts but cant get back into one of them, which is the one that shows all my points. The one I can access has no points in it and I have tried to get them to merge the two and it worked for about a week now everything is back to normal. If I call in and use my sportsman Id all my points are listed so after the draw Im going to try one more time, if it dont work then I cant use my portal when applying for hunts. And you guys think you have problems.
  24. Would you sell it without the scope?
  25. 452b264

    .277 CAL. and .224 cal. 30 cal. bullets

    Thanks Matt and Jeff/Shane it was good meeting you. All the primers are sold.